Long Hall Created by march57 Recommended Players: 4-10 Recommended Gametypes: CTF Long Hall is a fast pasted CTF map. Long Hall is well its a Long Hall, with the equipment, such as the bubble shield and the Deployable Cover, you can stop of slow down your enemys. Red Flag Wll up in mid Blue Flag Hall Long Hall Run It
sorry to inform you but your pictures are not working To get your pictures working please go to this Thread it tells you everything you need to know Edit: now that i can see your map your very new to forge or have not used it much, the map you have created has no real purpose i you have just placed a huge amount of weapons and equipment without knowing how gameplay is affected. I know this is your first post so i do advise you to search the forms and have a look at some of the maps on forgehub, if you really want to learn how to forge go to Forging 101 this tells you everything about forge it is a very helpful tool for new comers.
ya dude i was hoping to see a totally awesomely exetreme map from someone like you, who might just be the awesomeness thing we've ever seen. But now i cant see what it looks like and im disappointed. Well then, GOOD DAY SIR!!!!
This map has no creativity made into it. Alls it is, is the Hallway from Forge with a bunch of weapons and equipment placed randomly on the map and it makes no sense. It's pretty much impossible to get the Flag (although thats some what the point of the game). But it's very hard to even score a point for either teams!! The Plasma Cannon is way too powerful in that position; it can take down shields and deployable covers very quickly and leave the opponents with no shields and an easy target for those with BR's, Carbine or a Sniper. Since that is pretty much the best weapon in Halo: 3 people will mostly go for those and it will increase the chance of death for all teams involved. AND the Gravity Hammer has no need being there. Even though the player has the Gravity Hammer, before he manages to kill the man with the Plasma Cannon, another person can spawn behind him and assassinate him easily OR he can pickup a BR and give him a shot in the back (or front) of the head and kill him, grab the Gravity Hammer and destroy the other team before dieing without getting a single point. Now, all this is just looking at the pictures. I have to play the game to give it a real review. But seriously, this looks as if no real creativity was put into this. It's just a bunch of weapons on one side, and a bunch of weapons on the other, with a few equipment in the middle and two flags, one on either side. Let's hope your next map has more creativity put into it. Happy Forging!
Reply to Hobbes You should REALLY play the map before your write a bad review, also seeing as how you got all this from the pictures you most likely need glasses because the're are NO BR's or Carbines. Also the plasma turrets are very under used and are pretty bad. Everything works on the map, its not easy to score, witch in my opinion is a good thing, but when the round is half way over a energy door spans cutting the map in half and making it harder for the other team to stop you at scoring their flag. So how about next time you go get some friends, if you have any, and play the map... then you can write a review about your opinion. =D
Wow! This was - horrible You were right, there are no Battle Rifles or Carbines but there really was no need for the Rocket Launcher, Brute Shot, or Mauler to be there as it didn't do the job. The rocket launcher has a slow and large rocket that was intercepted by a teammate or an enemy due to a so small and narrow hall, and they were redirected by the Gravity Hammer often. The Brute shot got rid of the Plasma Cannons easy but quickly died after trying to grab the flag and bring it back. The Mauler was cool at first, but then the other team gang raped us with all the power weapons AND the Plasma Cannons. You are wrong about the Plasma Cannons by the way, when I played with my friends, they had someone on them the whole time! It was very frustrating as we couldn't even put down a Deployable Cover and rush the team quickly enough before the Plasma Cannons got us. We had to make a party and make a rule that the Plasma Cannons were not to be used. One of my friends actually went into forge and moved the Flags to the back rooms and removed the Plasma Cannons from the game. We played one round of his version, but abandoned it because it was very boring and no one tried to go get the flag, but instead they hid behind the middle door hallway thing (where the Shield doors spawned) and assassinated them in the back or gave them a nice Mauler to the face. So we went and played Ghostbusters. The flares did not help AT ALL!! They blinded everybody so no one could get the flag. It was virtually impossible to navigate the hall if someone put down a Flare as the Hall was so tiny literally everybody was blinded. I've said this before, but since the Gravity Hammer is almost the best weapon in Halo: 3 people will mostly go for it and it will increase the chance of death for all teams involved. It has no need being there. Even though the player has the Gravity Hammer, before he manages to kill the man with the Plasma Cannon, another person can spawn behind him and assassinate him easily. This has happened (as I predicted) numerous times to me and the other team as well. I would recommend you make a 1.5 (though you would probably fail) and make the hallway wider, longer, and have more cover (bases at either sides wouldn't hurt either). Come up with something that requires a possible way to score a point. Also, to keep in mind, try to make some weapons a RISK to make. For example, try to make a Sniper spot look right over the weapon thats a risk and bingo, if someone cannot get it, they won't try. OR you can try and make a weapon the center of attention. That way EVERYBODY will be going for it and it will be extremely hard to get. Oh, and thanks for the rude comments you've made to me on your last post: I can write a review whenever I want to, you don't have to play the map to review. You can review what you see. And people do review what they see from the post because it tells them if you want to play it or not. Things come up in their mind and those things affect your opinion. But I like to voice my opinion. If YOU were the one that needs glasses you could obviously see that I was trying to be nice, for example; Now it might not look like I was being nice in the first part (the actual review), you may note that I was trying to make it sound as nice as possible with being a little forward. I was just trying to help you with your mistakes. And the reason I was so late to testing your map was because I was getting ready for a 2 night trip to Tri-Cities and back. So I had no time to test the shitty game and post a review to a fat ass jerk who can't take criticism (that's not trying to be "as nice as possible"). I mean come on, I didn't even have to play the game to come up with those scenario's. But whatever, my friends and my brother thought this game was at least a 3, but since your response was so rudely written I'm giving it a 1 in creativity, a 0 in design, and a 0 in game play. So that's an overall 1. Happy For - screw it, you won't see this.
I don't think he will read that wall of text. This map is so unoriginal. It would take me one minute to make this map. I don't think you even tested this map. You probably just blocked the doors and windows, took some pictures, then posted it here. I'm surprised with the little work that you did to make this map that even took the time to post pictures. If you're going to make such a bland and overpowered map then you should at least take you're time to make a cleanly interlocked hallway on sand box or foundry. The weapons are just horrible. From what i see there is a sniper, plasma turret, rockets, grav hammer, sentinel beam, mauler, brute shot, equipment, and a needler. EVERY WEAPON IS A POWER WEAPON. Power weapons are supposed to be used to give ONE team a advantage not everyone. Make it so it has BR starts and one shotgun in the middle. NOTHING ELSE. And don't reply to this unless you have something serious to support a response not just "Dude you must be retarded this map is super balanced."
nuff arguing, infractions will follow if this persists. Also, just to clarify, commenting on a map without playing it is spam.
i just think its funny that apparently the gravity hammer is one of the best halo 3 guns. hahah anyways it think it would be cool if you used more of foundry and alot more creativity