A three story Mansion that has endless fun in Zombie Game Variants! (Humans)start off at the front of the house, they have 20 seconds to get inside. (Zombies)start off in the side hall of foundry and are released 30 seconds after round begins. (Weapons)3 BR's , A Sniper, Magnums, and a Flame thrower on the top of the map-if your brave enough to get it. Main overview Side overview Back way to the top Entrance this is my first ZombieHouse i made Hopez you likez it Hope You like the map.HERS THE LINK-->http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=20341740
looks like a good map chalupa. i see you interlocked which is good. i think there should be a bit more cover for the zombies. and this is my second time saying this but please change the name of your post to the maps name only which is Chupamansion
yes if the game variant is insta kill thats stoopid i gotz game variant that works perfect postin in a little while though
welcome to forge hub well it looks to be another HOUSE map .............. .............. .............. .............. I see that you used some interlocking has potential looks eye pleasing with extreme bib bob