I just got this idea. Using the entire Forge World map and using Stockpile to make an RPG gametype and map. Two players has to work together to reach the flags and then bring them back to the their house. Towers you have to climb to reach the top where the flag, buildings with puzzles you have to complete to reach the flag and mountains you have to use jetpacks(you'll find next to the flags) to get to the top where the flag is etc. And flags that need advanced teamwork to get to, using butterfly clitch etc. Do you think this is a good map/gametype idea?
This.... Is actually a really cool idea. In fact, I can see it being used as the basis of a puzzle map, or like you said, an RPG styled map. I love the idea!
Agreed. I've been looking forward to Stockpile just because it's awesome and fun, but this is a great idea for other applications as well, opening it up as a really versatile basis for all kinds of puzzle and casual custom games. I'd also been hoping to see something taking advantage of the size, aesthetics and varying landscapes of Forge World in a kind of Manifest/Cave Freaks like linear gametype, but your idea of having a more free roam approach whilst still using the entire landscape is really neat. Are you planning on making this when Reach comes out, or were you just throwing it out as an idea?
Im going to make this map/gametype, but I dont know if thats the map I will make first. I have so many ideas spinning in my head right now XD
Can't see it been used as a RPG but it's a good idea, I was thinking about having a flag on each landscape sounds like what your going for?
Well, imagine a tower built in each part of forgeworld. To get the flag inside the top of each tower, you'll have to solve puzzles along the way. Then, you'll need to bring it back to your "home" so that it can be captured. It really is an epic idea.
Rocks are'nt expensive at all so its possible to make caves. You can have up to 50 of each rock type and they cost only $10.
I think that's one of the item types with a global limit, so you can actually only have 50 rocks total on one map, not 50 of each type. Though I still reckon at least one cave structure would work very well as long as you were smart about working it in to existing terrain. EDIT: Curse you Benji .
sadface.jpg There are some caves on the sides of The Canyon, so I guess I'll use those caves to make atleast one cave structure. Oh, I almost forgot. Curse you Benji! ;P
I hope that there's an option to have only one team collect the flags. That way I can make a beast scavange map! (no stealing!)
I don't see that 50 rocks is a problem...If you think about it 40 blocks in halo could have done alot. I don't know all these sizes but im just improvising. Regardless seems like a good idea I thought about something like that. The map I was thinking about was a puzzle involving each person.
Well if your confused on the size of these rocks here is a picture of the "seastack" in that forge menu compared to the spartan. Spoiler
If you make it, I'll download it. Although I'm not sure I like using the butterfly glitch, or any glitch for that matter, but still a really cool idea.
This sounds very cool! I mean, I don't know how you'll pull of the RPG aspect (since there's not an easy way to affect stats or whatever), but...as long as you know what you doing, for great justice.
Just make sure you block off a flag after its been grabbed otherwise they could just get the same flag multiple times.