I'm still not 100% sure on the legitimacy of this post, but it seems pretty believable. I guess we'll find out in a few hours! Here is a copy of the post on bnet. What do you think?
I'm pretty sure that someone with one of the leaked game copies would have taken pictures and said something about that were it to be true.
Yeah, even if it isn't a new forge world and just a new map Bungie made on it, I want to see it. But then again, Bungie does suck at forging.
how many forge world maps are there anyway? ive only heard of the bloodgulch one so some more would be nice
Just one that we know of, and @ OP, I really doubt it's a whole new forgeworld, just a map created in it.
theres a couple. the cage, which is an earlier version of lockout, the ascension remake, theres one on the island (forgot the name). and i might be forgetting another. look around, youll find em. that one thread thats stickied has all the confirmed reach maps.
Yeah probably just another map on Forge World, so maybe they'll show off Paradiso or something else who knows. But either way I wanna check it out.
There is one Forge World and the remakes are -Blood Gultch -Acsension -Blackout Bungie was obviously saying they were going to share a new map they made on Forge World, not a new Forge World.
Well, at the start he said to pardon his english. lol So maybee there's just another map on forge world. But, I problably am wrong. But we will see tomorraw (Today for me).
They do suck, all the remakes and Bungie Maps I've seen so far are pretty basic, not better than Sandbox or Foundry, but this time they are merged. The only reason they are that 'accurate' is that most of the objects, like the blood gulch bases or the lockout tower are premade objects. I'm pretty sure the only good remake in the game will be Ivory Tower, all the Forge World Remakes may look like the original but will fail due to the forging.
I would bet that they mean they are gonna show a new map made in forge world, Because they made 5 maps in one just for forging. I doubt they will make anther huge 5 in 1 map.
I doubt that would happen. All the maps designed for Forge have had one thing in common: familiar environments and simple, angular objects. There aren't that many canvases that Covenant objects can occupy while still looking good, and it's hard to forge something that looks "Covenant" with simple objects. If you interlocked the pieces together, it wouldn't have the flowing natural look, not to mention all Covenant textures are incredibly polished. The pieces were designed around the remakes. As in, they made their maps, split them up into components, and those pieces became the Forge World objects. Sanctuary, Blood Gulch and Blackout are going to be different because Halo: Reach is not Halo 3, but the design differences will be for the sake of better gameplay.
Sure they will be different, my my opinion they will be worse than the 'original maps', even with the changes made. But I'm not complaining about the maps, I'm complaining about the forging. Bungie wouldn't have been able to make the maps without the premade objects, those objects make the maps look familiar, but the forging of the maps is not very good. Bungie just isn't capable to forge, they showed it with Foundry and Sandbox and even with Forge 2.0 they are not even close to some of us. People got really excited when they saw all those maps, sure, it's impressive that even Bungie can make such things, but as soon as Forge Hubs top forgers get their hands on forge, you will agree that Bungie is below average when it comes to forging and map design.