Well I was toying around with sketchup (just got it today) so I decided to make a speed ball court. The taller blocks are about the height of a spartan (based on sketchup model), the medium height blocks can be crouched behind, and the low blocks will make for a good place to crouch and shoot over (once I actually make it). I plan to put it in the field above the coliseum. Side View: Front View: Comments and suggestions welcome! edit: oh i'm also looking for creative name suggestions... I don't want to name it "paintball" or "speedball".
It seems like the symmetry is left to right as opposed to across...I would change that. And the cover might not be enough..try adding more standing blocks that will pose as One spartan cover..just like paint ball
No vehicles for paintball..it doesnt work like that. Paintball always had a great line of sight (or horrible depends how you view it) and Alot of cover that barely does the job.. All i see is pyramids and the wrong type of symmetry
Paintball maps don't need 'across' symmetry. They can play very well with different types of symmetry. But you'll never know until you build it. This doesn't look that special though...
Paintball maps are kind of meh. I can't say it would be difficult to make a paintball map, because it's not. But I suppose, witha few more blocks/structures.
Common now this is halo reach were talking about. This map needs something you could never do in halo 3. I'll just through in some ideas that might be fun. First of all make it bigger and with that you can either make it crowded as in lots of cover or like you had it(I would rather play on a crowded map if its one shot paint ball) . It depends on how you want to make it play out but if its 1 life per round you could turn it into a stadium and make a place for the dead guys to watch or simply just make it for looks. Try looking at some real life paint ball pictures and get ideas from that and don't forget to add in your own unique twist.
Yeah. I just copied it from a (small) speedball course at a local paintball place then added the window in the middle to prevent too much spawn killing. In all reality, I was just using this to try to get used to working in sketchup. I think I'm just going to abandon this idea.
legit paintball fields usually have a piece of cover running along the side that's pretty long called a snake I think. I mean it's just a game so it doesn't have to look real but it would be nice and would give people the cover they need to actually make it from one end to the other. and also idk if anyone else has said this already but you could add a small room at each end for spawning to prevent the spawn killing.
I played a season of CFOA tournament paintball throughout the Southeast, and he has a snake in that field. The low triangular shaped bunkers would be considered a snake, even though they're not connected. Most tournament paintball fields have a snake similar to this now days instead of the kind you're talking about because long snakes slow down the game, and become useless when the majority of a team is out of the game since one person in a snake becomes helpless without teammates to assist them. I agree about adding a place for people to spawn after they die to watch the rest of the round. Also, your X should be thicker, then you would not have line of sight issues. In a real paintball field, there is not a line of sight issue on X-ball fields which is what you're copying, because the signature X bunker they use in the middle of them is low enough to the ground that the line of sight does not go from one team's deadbox to the other team's deadbox. However, there is enough room under the X bunker that if you stand in front of the opening on the bottom you will get shot by someone. So X's are always an interesting, hard to use bunker in paintball. Really the gametype is far more important to work on for Paintball in a video game than the map. If you really want to make a paintball map, think about picking up a copy of Greg Hasting's Tournament Paintball Max'd or NPPL something another, I don't know the name of that game lol. Its something with NPPL in the name though, I do know that! Maybe like NPPL 2007 or something. Those games translate paintball to video games very well. I must say though, Halo does NOT play paintball very well because in Halo its all about running and gunning. You constantly run and shoot at the same time. In paintball, thats very difficult to do effectively. Its not really like Call of Duty either, but the fact that in Call of Duty you do have to push a button to aim down the gun makes it somewhat more similar to paintball. Really without a feature of being able to "snapshoot" while being behind cover other than your gun, head, and arm, Halo will and any other video game lacking a "snapshooting" game physic will never be able to simulate playing paintball. The paintball video games have a snapshooting feature btw.
Yes i played it once. And it was trash because of the map and I'm telling this guy from experience to make at least "some" usable cover.
I recently went PAINtballing for my birthday (17), and this definitely looks like the place I went to, only there were more trees, and bushes.