LUCIDITY Map Preview Sketchup Unfinished Alright. This is the An asymmetrical map that I have been working on for over 2 years. This map Has evolved over 7 times and over 6 different maps from halo,other games, and of things I have learned from my personal designs. Each time an evolutionary jump occurred in this map I personally feel it is getting better and better. Originally designed first on Foundry, then redesigned for Sandbox. It will make finally make its debut in reach. I have such ambitions for this map I'm not even sure if reach will handle it. It is great for FFA, TDM, Oddball, and KotH. Possible One sided objective games if I can get it balanced right. Ok.... Here we go I am going to try to fill you guys in where each picture goes in place. Feedback is GREATLY appreciated. I know I have tried to show off the layout of this map before and people didn't understand it so I am going to post a bunch of pictures. NOTE: this is a LOW detail version of the real sketchup I have going, It saves me time, and it helps my computer run a lot faster. Example: Rock-wall is hidden, Shadows and fog are off. The reason I didn't use the components is because I think they make the map hard to identify with and look over cluttered. Overview of the map with a translucent top floor so you can see where the sub-paths/ room lay. This image is a connecting room. The ramp in the middle requires you to sprint up to make the jump to the top. Otherwise you can take the side ramp to get up. Below that the ramp goes to a basement below the top floor. These are both from the octagon shaped room. There is a window opposite the railing side to look to the outside portion of the map. As you can see both doors lead to the basement section of the map. With the upper level as a power position above that overlooking the octagon room. That door in the previous section (the left one) leads to this basement room. This room contains a door to the outside section of the map and a gravlift to the upper level of the map. As well as two ways into the octagon room. One from bottom middle and another into the railing section of the Octagon room. This is the Outside section of the map. Complete with a rock wall to make the map feel like it was half built into a cliff. There is a several ways into and out of this section of the map making it a great playing area. The one side contains a fortified structure with two ramps to the upper level. While another two doors lead to the octagon and two other small rooms. The window looking into the octagon is seen in the picture. Also above that window there is a jump that will contain a small ledge for players to jump to to grab a power up. The large door in the back of the outside room leads to this section where I will place dual gravlifts up to the top level of the map. I'll post an overview picture of where weapons and power-ups will be placed later. Feedback is greatly appreciated because I really want this to be the best map it can be. EST ETA: 10-1-10
More pics please... How did you simulate the grass/canyon and you've said you've been working on it for two years... How?
Did you not read his entire post... So far it looks like a pretty cool map, could you possibly show maybe a few more pictures of it.
this looks ok, but you cannot make tunnels on reach unless you build it with rocks? sounds like a good idea!good luck with looks a lot like that HaloC map. can anyone help?
1) I'll see what i can do... 2) I made 4 different Rock formations then turned them into components. After that i just re-sized, stretched, and distorted them on a wall to make it looks like a canyon. As for the grass its just a plane painted dark green. 3) As for the two year thing... So the map I am currently designing for reach has had 7 evolutions cycles. Lucidity , the name of the map, has been in the development process for quiet some time now. And I think that the design has come full circle since 2008 when i first sketched it up in one of my classes during high school. :shock: Original Design: Here we have the start of the map. It sucks, I know... I was just a real young novice map designer at the time... I still thought death pits where cool. At this point the map is called Flux. Evolution 2: Then around April of 2009 i realized the importance of dating my work and moving forward. Granted I still was new to level design and it still sucks. Map is still known as Flux. Evolution 3: Wow what an improvement... Right? I revisited my old binder from school and stumbled upon a once forgotten treasure. Remembering what it was like to draw it up... I took evolution 2 and pushed it forward. I did sketch this version up, actually you can see it here. The name magically changed to a soothing Lucidity. May 18th, 2010. Evolution 4: So if I sketched it up, why am I re-drawing it? Well I felt that the map didn't have the flow i wanted it to portray as a Asymmetrical Arena map. And as Solo kindly pointed out in the sketch up... It was severely flawed, so back to the drawing board I went. This version Radically changed the way the map flowed with a three tiered section in some parts. July 21st, 2010. Evolution 5: I stubbornly continued to push ahead to achieve the perfect map design. Here I incorporated a little cold storage and a little Citadel for some flavor. July 27th, 2010. Evolution 6: I am sorry this one is hard to see... but I cleaned up the design and once I noticed how close it was to one of the maps I created before I took design elements from Rellek and smashed them in there as well. Don't recognize the name? Well you shouldn't It was a design I never released nor talked about. Its not in my fileshare even though it is fully made in Halo 3... August 1st, 2010. Evolution 7: Bungie's favorite number... and my personal best design yet. You will have to wait and see for this one. I hope you enjoyed seeing how this level progressed. Personally I found it really interesting. From something so bad to a possible shining jewel. We will have to see.
Oh yeah sorry bout asking about how it was 2 years... I re-read it and understood better. Looks pretty nice, They got better each time the only thing I didn't like was the red, it was hard to see... Looks great though.
@ Shugheed Yup, its going to be built out of rocks, made to look like a cliff. And I think your thinking of Death Island where the bases are built into the cliffside, then again according to that it could look like Danger Canyon, Infinity, Timberlands, or Ice Field. @HLG Flashpoint yeah, those where just sketches of the map, but it clearly shows the map evolution process. There are meant to be a bit messy, I was experimenting with layout changes. A good design needs to be constantly worked on to improve it and further upgrade it until you feel you can do no more to it.
EST. means "Estimated", and E.T.A. means "Estimated Time of Arrival". You sir, have committed redundancy.
Actually, EST means Established. I'm pretty sure when a town says 'EST 1867' it doesn't mean Estimated 1867.
Wow 2 years! That a long time, the hard work must definitely pay off at the end can't wait! The map looks pretty good though. You gave a lot of effort with all that sketching too.
updated pictures updated pictures. NOTE: this is a LOW detail version of the real sketchup I have going, It saves me time, and it helps my computer run a lot faster. Example: Rock-wall is hidden, Shadows and fog are off. Seeing as how my computer is from 1999... (i think its time to get a new one)