Sorry but the islands geometry is no where nere what sidewinder was. Bungie said clearly that you can use the island to make maps LIKE sidewinder. And why do you say well be able to make near perfect recreations of giant maps such as sidewinder, avalanche, and valhalla. I mean the canyons geometry is completly different from valhalla and it would take a numerous amount of objects to try and create the center hill and large rock formations. Im just not understanding your logic here.
1. Sorry, honest mistake. 2. I understand this. I'm just saying that, by using rocks to minimise the canyon and change the geometry, we can make it the same relative size and shape. and if you had the same bases, similar geometry and guns in the same places, you would still get the feel of the map, and enjoy it in the same way. valhalla however, may be able to be remade in solely pieces, as it is fairly small for a btb map. for both of these, i mean "spiritual succesor" if you will. different shape, and colors, but still keeps the same theme and sense of enjoyment. By using the sidewinder buildings, we will still be able to have a similar map that is recognised as a sidewinder remake. like the difference betwwen bg and coag. different bases and geometry, but easily recognisable as a remake. sorry for any misunderstanding
The person who remakes Guardian gets punched by me ... maybe even while hemsky blows you. Maps like Guardian and Lockout won't work in Reach, just like a lot of other remakes because of the AAs. With a jetpack for example, you can get B3 control without having to walk up there. You can fly up to bottom glass from the shotgun spawn, you can walk up the catwalk without having to worry if you have armor lock and so on. Only a few of the 'old' Halo Maps will play the same, some might play better but most of them will suck.
hey now I happen to LIKE Guardian. One of my favorite small maps in Halo3. Which is odd because I love huge vehicle heavy maps mostly. I'd love to see it back in Reach.
Exactly hibiki. Am i the only one is interested in remaking blood gulch a little more? Rocky canyon walls that dont seem to be in the remake?
Silence fool! Your heretical thoughts displease me. No. 1: They've already remade Lockout. I'm sure Bungie's judgement is more accurate than yours (Not knocking your judgement, just saying how good Bungie's USUALLY *cough* ODST *cough* is). 2. Almost every Halo CE map will play the same, purely because Halo CE Spartan IIs are about as powerful as Reach Spartan IIIs, and fall damage is implemented in both 3. I propose a Halo CE, Halo 2 and Halo 3 gametype. These will make all of the levels be able to be played like they were in their game of origin. For example, for Halo 3, you play as an Elite (for size purposes) and you have a higher jump (depending on the Elite's jump). You also have no AA's etc. This system can be implemented for anything. For example, a COD gametype. Only sprint, one headshot kills, high gravity. 4. I think that the new AA's would make Guardian and Lockout an even better map to play.
Longshore should be remade... Only because it was my favorite map for btb but bungie never puts it on when I play. Plus we payed to get those maps and barely got any playtime
Theyre gonna do only 5 maps built on the disk... The others will be as easy as pie to remake on your own... Valhalla will be the easiest --- O and the limitations will be few so for example construct will be easy too and fun to change a little
Yeah but you'd wanna add something or could be boring. The Pit in my mind wasn't that fun it the first place.
How do you figure? I'm not even sure whether accurately recreating the natural geometry of Valhalla will be possible, the inclines and rocks are pretty damn complex and are the only thing balancing the geometry of the map (in the sense that, apart from the bases and Pelican, they are the geometry of the map). BLASPHEMY!!!!
When you make a map, you don't just create the geometry, but also try to make a good playing game. Armor Abilities are something that Reach must have, and maps must be able to fit somehow.
Yeah thats true. But if players are super worried about Armor abilities i think you should remove them. Going for the classic feel? remove them. And if (like i said) players want them, they can make them work in their way. If your going for a Remake for reach type deal, thats something you're going to really have to think about.
If you're going to make a map in ANY game, you have to take all the variables into question. Armor Abilities are one of those variables, and maps should be able to play with out without them.
The point is those maps were made for those games. Halo 1, 2 and 3 were similar. Halo reach brings in jetpacks. Those maps were not made with jetpacks in mind. The only thing to counter jetpacks are soft/hard kill barriers. And the map maker will deffiantly have those taken care of.