Now, go easy on me, I'm a new member and I've just started using Sketchup. So don't get mad at me if you don't like my ideas. Now, this is a VERY basic map. It's essentially one dish base multiplied 4 times - hence "Quadradish". If you have any suggestions, please don't hesitate to give them! EDIT: Okay, this is the re-designed map:
I like one dish. You've gone too far and made it a snipe off. Try to incorporate it into a single, cohesive map where you can walk from base to base without teleporters, etc.
I don't see any of the 4 radishes in any of these pictures >_> [/sarcasm] This actually looks like a pretty fun map, I've always loved no-crossing maps. But it does looks kind of bland, maybe make the bases bigger and closer together.
You know, I was wondering about the sniper towers. They do make it kind of difficult to set them apart from each other a good enough distance, as we still don't know the full scale of Forge World (accurately, anyways). I'm going to make some drastic edits to this map, but later. I DID post this pretty late, and I'm actually used to getting up MUCH later... EDIT: Okay, so here's the new map: As you can see from here, it's a drastic update. But it won't work unless I can get more information about the safe/kill zones. How do they work, exactly? I know the two types of kill zone (soft and anti) and what they do, but can you, for example, make a very thin barrier-type wall? I know that placing invisible barriers would be best in this type of map, but I'm assuming there is no such object? EDIT1: Note that these are just ideas, when Reach comes out I'll likely just scrap each and every SketchUp I've made and just make a paintball-style map on the island with round bunkers. I know it sounds lame, but I'll find a way to spice it up. Somehow. Also, what is the max limit for Bungie Pro file shares in Reach? is it still 20-or-so items? It would be great if it were more, but that would start to get a little crazy...
Done. You know, I just thought of something. If I just laid down grids everywhere, I could probably make the bases (roughly) the same distance apart, far enough that you couldn't get to one with a jetpack, since I'll be putting a soft-kill zone between bases... How small can those kill zones get, again?
The issue I see with this map is it is going to very quickly become very centralized in only one area. Players will focus on (probably near the middle?) as the combat area and spawning on the branching arms will be nothing but a nuisance separating players too far from engaging combat. If it's a snipers only map, it's not half bad. I just see really frustrating games emerging from standard slayer on here.
I plan on just scrapping this map, anyway. I prefer my Chasm map (see sig). But, I may not even make that. What we need is an easy way to "place" our maps into a SketchUp version of Forge World. I've seen maps merged with Photoshop into screenshots of The Rock, but that would take too long. When I get H:R, and eventually do go into Forge mode, I'll likely fool around for a bit before delving into some serious maps.