Campaign matchmaking? I somehow doubt it but if so it would make any achievments like Deja Vu much easier to get.
The update was nothing special. Nothing really "new" other than having icons next to your name for playing old halo games.
Did anyone watch the 5 minute firefight video? Because I saw three awesome things 1. Skeet shoot looks wicked fun 2. The sniper rifle can absolutely tear through a ghost. (Granted, its 200% weapon damage... but still, that ghost looked wrecked. By one bullet. 3. Specialized Running Riots anybody? aka, Be the Bullet?
YUS! Wait, I leave FH and for 10 minutes, and they post the update? 0.o Anyways, I can haz campaign matchmaking! EDIT: YES in the Outpost gameplay vid I say a barricade from Halo 3! WE CAN STILL MAKE DROP PODS!