
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by elitebiker18, Aug 15, 2010.

  1. elitebiker18

    elitebiker18 Forerunner

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    Im getting really tired of the people who leave comments on my racetracks telling me I need to add this or I need to change that...... My maps are good enough. If they want a map to have all kinds of different banked turns and jumps than they can make one that way. Anyway, in an effort to try and stop the comments like that, I would like you guys to give me a list of all the things you would like to see in a single racetrack(on sandbox) so I dont have to worry about anything needing to be changed.

    Here some of my maps with the kind of comments I said about:

    Sand Demon
    Plasma Blade's comment

    tuf jaho's comment

    X-treme Go-kart
    fluffyroks comment: the part where he says about adding a backflip
  2. Oo iRoNy oO

    Oo iRoNy oO Ancient
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    It's just constructive criticism IMO. You don;t have to listen to them, you know. They're only trying to help you make your good maps even better.
  3. elitebiker18

    elitebiker18 Forerunner

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    yeah but people say the same thing on every map I make and then when I do change that they comment about something else.. Its really annoying..... Thats why I said they should make a list of everything I should put in a racetrack.
  4. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    Its constructive criticism. No matter how good your map is you will get it. They are trying to give you ways to improve your map or improve another map. This forum is all about helping people grow and get better with their forging, and simply telling people that they're map is good will not help them at all! Remember that it is impossible to create the perfect map dude, no matter how good it won't be perfect.
  5. Paranoia UK

    Paranoia UK Ancient
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    Any map you make will have areas which some people think can be improved, the best bet is to not take offense as it is just constructive criticism and to release previews at stages of completion, this way you can add in suggestions as you go.
  6. SniperViper76

    SniperViper76 Forerunner

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    The first one was kind of constructive but a bit dickish..
    The second one was purely constructive in my opinion and i dont understand how that annoys you at all.
    The third one was constructive and then the backflip part was just idiotic..
    Whens the last go-karting race course you went to that you did a back flip?
  7. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    If you can't take the constructive criticism then don't post your maps. No map is 'perfect'.
  8. elitebiker18

    elitebiker18 Forerunner

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    Sniper: I totally agree with you... and I was debating wether I should put that one in there that was purely constucive. And I agree with the part about a go-kart track with a backflip.

    Bloo Jay: Why dont people worry about flaws in their own map instead of finding flaws in other peoples maps. They act like their map is the best map in that certain category.
  9. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Because you have an idea of what you want and it clouds your actual perception of your map. There is no PERFECT map. And everyone should be able to take something from the comments they get instead of how you are acting currently.

    It's a human thing where we THINK our x is the greatest, but it ultimately isn't.
  10. sora0314

    sora0314 Forerunner

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    Ya elitebike dont take these as insults take them and use them to your advantage, and bloo jay i totality agree
  11. xMLGx InStINcTx

    xMLGx InStINcTx Ancient

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    If people are rude then it isn't constructive criticism, but if they are just making a statement on what they like or dislike, then it is constructive criticism. I only listen to good ideas, if it is something that would make it better, go ahead and try to make it work. If it is something silly or just not your style, then just don't do anything. Ignore them.
  12. LRMAN0989

    LRMAN0989 Forerunner

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    I seriously think you're taking it the wrong way..... they're trying to help you improve. Look at what Bungie's doing; they're listening to the people who play it (in their case it's Halo, you're case it's a track). If people don't like something, just try to make sure that 'thing' doesn't happen again. People didn't like the over-powering of Armor Lock, Bungie made it weaker. If people don't like a turn in you're track, don't add something like it in your next map. Or, test to make sure people like it (Bungie did a beta, and people didn't like how strong armor lock was, so they changed it so it was better). If they think you should add something in your next map; I say do it if it's do-able. Like in Reach, everyone wanted the ability to make objects go through other objects in forge with ease; they made it.
  13. TwiztedMatt1007

    TwiztedMatt1007 Ancient
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    As a number of people have already said, I think you are misinterpreting why they are posting comments like that on your maps. After reading through the posts, they mostly seem to simply be constructive criticism. I don't see anyone saying anything to the effect of "this map sucks and you should go die!" They appear to simply be trying to give their input based on their personal tastes in maps. Its not saying anything is wrong with your maps, they are just trying to help.

    Everyone who has built a map that they have put time and effort into is going to be very proud of that map and it can make it difficult to hear peoples criticism on it. You just need to understand that everyone will have an opinion on anything you, or anyone else, makes. If they are being jackholes, ignore them and move on. If it appears they are not trying to be, just keep in mind that they are just trying to help in their own way and try to put yourself in their shoes. To see it the way they are I suppose I should say.

    If you want criticism before your map is done rather than after, go run it through the testers guild to make sure everything is up to snuff. You will probably still get people giving their own opinions on what they feel would make the map better but its nothing personal against you or your map, just friendly advice. As was said before as well, no map will ever be perfect. Just do your best, get others to look at it who can give an objective view on it, and refine it until you are happy. That is all any of us can do.

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