Foundry Crossfire

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Mr Magashi, Aug 4, 2010.

  1. Mr Magashi

    Mr Magashi Forerunner

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    Hey and welcome to my thread about Crossfire. Crossfire being my new foundry map.

    Crossfire is my first ever map created on forge and is designed for 2 - 4 players ideally but can work with 6.

    Crossfire Supports the following gametypes:
    King Of The Hill (FFA)
    Oddball (FFA)
    Slayer (FFA)

    Crossfire is designed to play a fast paced regular slayer and has the following weapons:

    2x SMG
    2x BR
    1x Rocket Launcher
    1x Shotgun
    1x Sniper
    1x Needler
    1x Covenant Carbine
    1x Bubble shield
    1x Deployable Cover
    4x Plasma Grenades
    4x Spiker Grenades

    Now that thats over! Onto the pictures!

    Main overview

    Shotgun spawn

    Rocket Spawn

    Sniper Spawn

    Lift top and bottom levels

    Lift bottom level

    Lift top level with 2x SMGs

    Corner of stairs

    The Needler is down next to the dumpster if you cannot see it

    Rocket room on top, Shotgun room on bottom

    Deployable Cover Spawn

    Now for the action shots!!!

    >>>> DOWNLOAD LINK <<<<

    Any constructive criticism is very welcome, and if i remake this map on reach i will take note of that criticism. And once again, this is my first ever map.

    Edit: Link now fixed to support King of the Hill, Oddball and Slayer
    Edit 2: Map updated to have 10 spawn points to negate the possibility of spawn killing. Or if your really crazy, to allow for 10 player matches!!
    #1 Mr Magashi, Aug 4, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2010
  2. Battleman36

    Battleman36 Ancient
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    nice job. i couldnt see anymore than 4 people playing this. it's very small but well created. the only thing i disagree with is the rocket launcher. i think it is overpowered for such a small map. also, not that im counting it against you, try and make things a little smoother, such as the center boxes. try and center those. it just makes it look better. for your first post, good job
  3. Mr Magashi

    Mr Magashi Forerunner

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    Yeah i admit the centre boxes are shockingly bad. I got lazy when i got to that point as i had already been getting all angry with the game for messing up my interlocking lol :p If i remake this on reach I'm planning on somehow making it bigger (I.E maybe adding more rooms in etc) and i would definitely do something different with those blocks, like maybe put a two story tower style building in instead who knows.

    And about the rocket launcher, yes it is powerful in the 1v1's and stuff, but when you get down to 6 player FFA the rocket plain sucks in this map. You get 1 kill and then get owned in the back or something. (Most of the time at least)
  4. AdventBlood

    AdventBlood Forerunner
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    I dig it!

    Well Done my friend. i like the geomerging and the layout. view bumpy spaces but other than that looks pretty nice and tight. i wish i could have a better look at it but alas me xbox and i went seperate ways so i can make room for the new one. Keep it up.

    If You Forge it, they will come.
  5. Reliant Relic

    Reliant Relic Forerunner

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    It is a very, very good looking first map! I DLed, and I'll look at it soon. I already disagree with the needler, cause I really hate that weapon. Also, it seems like the rocket, shotgun, bubble shield and deployable cover, are with in spitting distance of each other. I think there should only be one power weapon on a map this small.
  6. Mr Magashi

    Mr Magashi Forerunner

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    In my opinion, and from what i found with playing with my friends, following the trend of every other weapon in this map, the needler isn't great when you have 4 people playing as it is hard to focus all the needles onto one person, and the sniper is just too hard to scope with so its more of a no-scope thing which is equally difficult as i tried to limit easy no-scope sight lines. The deployable cover is only really useful if you are playing oddball or running away from a persuer down towards the grav lift tunnel. And i dont remember why i put a bubble shield in lol :p I guess it seemed like a good idea at the time, but it didnt make gameplay irritating enough to remove it.
  7. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Crossfire was a map that did not stand out at all in terms of enjoyment. Playing with 3 players gave constantly bad spawns, and on an objective gametype such as Oddball, whoever was the last to die while fighting over the ball normally won, due to a few camping spots. After every game played on this map, no one wanted to play it again. And once the final test was played, everyone was relieved that it was over. I’m sorry to say that I’ve already removed this from my hard drive.

    The map consists of two areas: the main room, and the little hallway. The main room had barely any cover, and due to the two levels and numerous power weapons, no cover was effective of getting you out of a battle for a short time. There was one area we found that campers flocked to, and because of the positioning of the cover around this spot, grenades were useless. Coupled with a bubble shield, this camping spot quickly became a camper’s paradise in Oddball and Slayer.

    The hallway was a dead end on the second floor, with a gravity lift from the first blocking your path down. Here, laid possibly the most used spawn of the 10 on the map. The rest of the spawns all either led straight off the second floor, or into a wall inside the main area of battle. Because of this, it was very easy for a casual player such as myself to guess the spawns of the other players. I found that in a 1v1 Slayer, these spawns will cause one player to win the game, rather than the actual player’s skill.

    The weapon set on Crossfire was possibly as bad as or worse than the spawns. The map consisted of three power weapons, a sniper, a shotgun, and rockets. Even before going into the balance issues of these weapons, this is way too many power weapons for a map the size of maybe a quarter of foundry. Going into balance issues, the shotgun was the most overpowered weapon, and I had never even found the spawn for it. If a camper was able to get a hold of the shotgun and bubble shield, the game was finished right there. On the complete opposite side of the spectrum was the sniper, which was the most underpowered weapon on the map. For a map the size of Crossfire, a sniper would not have worked period. The rockets were without a doubt the easiest to find and maybe the most balanced on the map in terms of power weapons.

    The rest of the map worked well with the remaining weapon set, although I do have a small pet peeve. On Crossfire, there are three types of grenades, Frag, Plasma, and Spike. It is normally a good idea to only include one special grenade with fragmentation grenades.

    Crossfire was a completely closed in map, and thus no one could escape from the map. However, breaking the spawn system was much more of a threat then finding a way out in a 1v1. In higher gametypes, the spawn system couldn’t be abused as much.

    Overall, Crossfire was an average map in terms of aesthetics. Almost everything was cleanly forged and looked okay to the eye. Nothing stood out that much, apart from the bridges which made the second floor. They were used right side up, instead of right side down, which created a semi ugly floor around the second floor, but it wasn’t anything that would get too harshly marked down for. Apart from that, this map just felt very small, and if it could have been opened up more in places so you could see out of the map, I believe it could have done much better.

    Crossfire was a “coliseum” map as I like to call it. It was basically a couple floors, couple power weapons, and the ability from one area of the map to see almost the entire rest of the map. These maps normally are forged by new forgers or by people who just want to get a quick game together without really caring how it plays. The gameplay in this map compared to others did not feel any different either. Because of this, the map is not original at all.


    Overall Map Rating

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