Hello, this is my very first map i have created for halo 3 its on foundary and is a fun little infection map. The zombie starts behind a wall and is equpied with a gravity hammer and an energy sword. He will use the gravity hammer to break down the bairrer to get to the humans. By the time he breaks the wall down and gets out this should give the humans time to get ready to plan to kill the zombie. Mostlikely the humans will take cover in the huge castle in the middile of foundary. Sence this is my first forged map can you please leave comment's below to tell me how to better my forgeing skills map= Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details game type= Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Please give this map a chance thank you!
Hello, welcome to ForgeHub! This, taking in considertation that this IS your first map, is pretty good. It reminds me a bit of 2mega on Foundry. You are new, and to make better maps, you will have to get better skills. Check out Forging 101 for help. I will download and check it out. Also, i must say, well done for posting correctly first time! Bravo!
thanks and ya that map really inspired me to make one of my own and thanks for the 101 forge tips and currently me and a freind are trying to make a hovering castle so okay and thanks for the tips
This is a pretty good map.I like it a lot for your first map, but I'm not sure if you have heard of interlocking, not trying to say your map is bad and you need to use this method, it makes walkways smoother. Hope the Forge 101 helps with future maps!
ok ill try the interlocking idea and also for everyone that commets on this i would like to thank i really appreciate the help you are all giving me.
Hm, looking at the map, I need to ask about the gametype. Do zombies have shields, and what is their speed? I ask because I see a lot of turrets, and turrets always make me weary with infection maps.