I'm going to pre-order my Halo: Reach (regular edition) and I don't know where I should go. Do you guys know what store offers which stuff, or for that fact if they even offer anything? Thanks.
I know Gamestop offers the Multi-Threat armor variant for pre-orders, but I don't think anyone else offers anything.
Get it from Gamestop to get some more armor. You get a body piece. All the prices are the same, so... Get Gamestop!
Walmart offers a $20 gift card with a pre-order for the regular version. I'd prefer $20 over an extra armor variant lol. Plus, you could use the gift card to buy 1600 MS for future DLC
thanks guys, I also thought that someplace was offering the regular helmet variant from Halo 3. Is this true, or am I just going crazy?
I know, BestBuy, WalMart and Gamestop are all doing bonuses I believe the first 2 are either MS points or Live cards and Gamestop is armor
From what I read somewhere, Game Stop is the only place that offers the free armor. I also believe that which armor(s) you get also depends on the edition of the game you buy. I already pre-purchased that game for when it releases. I just need to pick it up at midnight on the 13th and I'll have a code to download the free armor.
I had my preorder with Amazon.co.uk because it was the cheapest I could find at the time. Then today I found the "expected delivery" was the 15th September, a whole day later! gasp! So I cancelled that a preorder from Gamestation, same price but more chance of getting it on 14th and an extra piece of armour
Gamestop offers an armor called multi-threat armor and they say if you don't preorder with gamestop then you will never have this armor ever. Also walmart offers the 20 dollar gift card but the gift card is only good for online purchases. And if you preorder from anywhere at all you get the recon helmet and visor. No matter where you get it from. And Limited edition comes with a special elite armor. And legendary comes with the bungie flaming helmet armor. --- by the way, if I preorder from gamestop will they ship it to my house or will I need to get it at the store? Cuz the the closest gamestop to me is at the mall and that's about a 45 minute drive.
No. Its the same no matter what edition you buy, but if you do get a different edition there is special elite armor and flaming helmet. The only thing you get for preorder is recon and a body for gamestop preorder