Agree Noxiw, its not that simple anymore. But even if its starts as one gametype and one map, thats what the grifball playlist was originally... it was one foundry variant, and one gametype. Didn't stop thousands of people from playing it --- probably will start out with bungie created maps that are still user created customs, cause they are not actively employed in building matchmaking maps
Good question, maybe the playlist won't be active right away, maybe Bungie will wait a month or so for people to make cool maps and gametypes, then put up the Custom playlists. Don't quote me on it, though, cuz I don't know exactly how it will work. Aw, thank you! I hope that wasn't sarcasm. yeah, but the maps are basically the same. all of them are about the same size and play the same, with the exception of blockdrop court. the only thing that really sets the maps apart are the aesthetics. and as for the gametypes, they're just tiny adjustments to make the gametype work with the corresponding map. thats probably why bungie put it as a double xp playlist and not a permenant playlist in h3. i'm all for grifball being a double credits thing or in customs, but imo it shouldn't have its own playlist.
Did they mention anything more specific about any of the playlists? Something like how they plan to get the user created content for customs, or chances for user created maps to go in other playlists besides customs?
They're all combined. For example if you select the 'Normal' playlist, you'd then get into a lobby and the vote options might be Firefight on Beachhead, Generator Defense on Overlook and Versus on Courtyard. But they would all be on Normal difficulty since you're in the Normal playlist.
I trust that you are not lying, but I had thought Bungie said that Arena was going to only be slayer gametypes. It will be interesting to see how they rank you in objective. Also, this means that MLG will be able to be in arena, which is good.
(SIGH) No Head to Head or 1v1's? Oh well. I think the custom matchmaking playlist will work like this: The lobby will bring you to someone's lobby that is open for customs searches. Or you can sift through available games.
I wonder if Team Snipers is still going to be in i loved that gametype if it's not in hmm il be angry, naa some of those playlists will get me going
it looks good bro. the only problem that i have is my worry that Halo Reach is going to be too thinly spread. Lone wolves and team will forever stay full of people but with all the new options it could become very hard to find a match on certain playlists. (like firefight. almost noone are going to be on easy and those who are will find it hard to get a match.) etc. to quote Yatzee - "it's like a delicious branson pickle and cheese sandwich, only the banson pickle is too thinly spread and there aren't any particularly chunky bits."
Not really, there are only a few more playlists than there were in h3. Oh, and to people complaining about the lack of certain playlists such as 1v1, Team Snipers, MLG, etc., keep in mind Bungie could add or take away playlists at anytime. They did in Halo 3, so they probably will in Reach.
Please say this is true, I heard a while ago there was no objective in Arena :/ I hope that they fixed it CTF FTW
It's true. Oddly, though, I don't remember Bungie ever saying Arena wouldn't have objective. Either way though, they confirmed it at GameCom so yeah it's true
I love Bungie, finally Living Dead is a playlist! Also, I think you forgot Campaign, that was confirmed to support Matchmaking now.