I have heard multiple statements; first, that Invasion is confirmed as a playable and forgable gametype on Forge World and second, that it is only forgable on Invasion-specific maps, such as Boneyard or Spire. I've heard plenty of both, but haven't seen citations for either. I'm all anxious about the truth, so if anyone has a citation, POST IT NOW! Again, we're not looking for whether its possible to forge Invasion at all, I'm positive it is. We're looking for whether or not its possible in Forge World. EDIT: I've personally received several messages about this, and I have enough lines of data to support this. I have witnessed enough deductive footage for myself to approve. Invasion on Forge World is confirmed. Thanks for helping guys!
Why wouldn't it be? Firefight isn't possible because it involves A.I. Invasion is PvP, I am 100% that is able to be forged on ForgeWorld, although I don't feel like going to find proof, I know it's out there though.
I've heard that Invasion maps can only be made on Invasion maps. I wouldn't know where to look for proof.
The only reason why this feature wouldn't be implemented is because the forge objects require complex instructions, and because in Invasion, there are phantom ships or UNSC aircraft roaming around the maps. On the flip side, because I'm not a game developer, I don't know whether complex forge instructions are expensive or not. Plus the animatons for the phantom ships and UNSC aircraft could easily be turned off just for Forge World. Only a citation will tell.
Invasion is a regular gamemode just like Slayer, Headhunter, King of the Hill..etc. This picture proves that. If Invasion were different from the rest of the gametypes then it would have it's own lobby. Firefight however, is different from the usual gamemodes, thats why it's not included in this list. I'm 99% sure it has it's own specific lobby like in ODST. "Invasion maps" such as Boneyard and Spire are just regular multilayer maps like Powerhouse, Zealot, Reflection...ect. Bungie just encourages Invasion to be played on them because they work the best. This picture shows that the gamemode "Race" can be played on Spire. This proves that you can play other gametypes on a map that most people think is an "Invasion only" map. So why wouldn't you be able to edit invasion traits in Forge World? You can play invasion on Pinnacle if you wanted to, but it's not recommended. Just like you can play Oddball on Hemorrhage, but it's not encouraged to do so. You get what I'm saying?
You have in invasion both Moving AI ships and despawning shield doors, I think those have to be noded, as in the ships ONLY come in on that prescribed route, and the shield doors ONLY in that location. If those items can be placed onto the forge world map and moved about then my faith in Bungie is restored, however I feel honestly that it's only on certain maps in certain ways, not a full customization.
This is exactly correct. As far as I know, we will be able to Forge Invasion on Forge World and any other map for that matter, even smaller maps such as Zealot and Reflection.
This is proof we can play slayer, oddball, race, ect. on Invasion maps, but that doesn't make the converse true. It could be that when you select Invasion while you have a normal map loaded, it will give you a denial message. I think the reason Invasion is in the same lobby as the other gametypes, is because it is, after all, a multiplayer gametype. It's player vs. player. Thanks for all the pics, but what I really need is either gameplay footage of Invasion on a normal map, or a Bungie quote that says, specifically, it is possible. EDIT: I agree with you on one thing, Siska. That should mean that we can play Invasion on normal maps. It just makes sense to go ahead and throw that feature into the game, but because none of us are game designers, we can't possibly calibrate the expense or manpower it would take to get this done. With all the things that were put into Halo: Reach, it could be that they didn't have the time to make it work.
Well then you'll have to wait, because Bungie hasn't officialy confirmed it yet and there's no footage of Invasion besides on the normal Invasion maps, Boneyard and Spire. But I'm 99.9% sure Invasion will work on any map, cuz gametypes in Halo are't map-specific. Example: In Halo 3, even though Guardian wasn't made for Assault, you could still play it on it, it just wasn't recommended. And if you could play gametypes other than Invasion on Invasion maps, why wouldn't you be able to play Invasion on non-Invasion maps? Do you see what I'm getting at?
I see what you're getting at. But Reach is a whole new baby. It did plenty of things that weren't consistent with the pattern. And it's very smart of you to leave a .1% chance. I'm trying to not leave out either alternative until there is hard proof.
They did confirm that Invasion would be fully forgeable. I'm not sure of the extent and durability of the term 'fully' But rest assured there will be some sort of customization aspect in Invasion.
'Fully' as in you can do it on any map and you can change the spawn points, starting points, territories, core, phantom/pelican, etc.
They also said you can customize Firefight 'fully', but that doesn't mean you can play it on every map. I remember reading that you can change the spawning locations, the territories, the tier-specific one-way shield doors but nothing has been said about the map itself. I need a firm confirmation, not a relative one.
Ok... So far Bungie has not come out to say that Invasion is available on Forge World. While it is a PvP game it almost merits its own category as firefight does. Invasion is much more complicated than other gametypes as people here have said. Bungie has stated that there are invasion themed maps which cater mostly to that game type. From what we have seen, they work by creating impassable barriers that gradually become opened. I have trouble believing this could easily be worked into forgeworld given its size. It is possible but I think that to do that you would have to install huge walls, kill barriers, or endless impassabe sections to keep the gameplay step by step. I remember Bungie stating in an update that they would get back to us about forging invasion. My guess is that it probably wont be on forgeworld given the complexity of the mechanisms. Honestly its the phantom and pelican animations that keep invasion from being translated to other maps. It would still be pretty easy for bungie to make the drop off destination similar to a capture area without the required vehicle pick up though. If they simply invasion abit then it could easily be put in forge world. I really really hope they do
Well if you think about it though... Whether you have an impassible barrier or not the first tier is essentially about claiming a territory. If you were to go around a barrier some how you would still have to deactivate the barriers or you would get skunked on the first tier. The same almost goes for tier 2. In Boneyard, even if you're standing in front of the core you must catch the 'territory' so to speak before you can claim it. So basically, tier 1 and tier 2 are equivalent to territories (which we have now). Then, tier 3 is stealing a data core of some type and taking it to a certain point. Sound like CtF to anyone? Then another issue with some people is customizing loadouts for each tier. Well its been confirmed for a while that Firefight you can customize each round down to what traits skulls have so why not tier loadouts too? Then lastly, like James pointed out, Invasion is on the list of selectable gametypes. I know that in Halo 3 any gametype there was could be forged. Not allowing invasion to be forged would be like saying well Infection and Slayer can be forged on Cold Storage but CTF and Assault must be forged on Valhalla. There were gametypes in Halo 3 that just didn't fit certain maps, but nontheless you could still forge them in. That is all...
Yes, but that's because Firefight is a complete different thing than regular multiplayer gamemodes. Thats why it has it's own lobby. And by the way...it's Skisma
This was answered in Ferrex's Q&A a while back. Link1 Link2 The key quote for me is "You should be able to completely set up (or re-arrange) an Invasion map" These came out right after Forge World was announced, so it applies to Forge World as well. Posted by: Plasma Prestige I'm really curious Ferrex, please: Are we given enough freedom in Forge with dynamic objectives as to assimilate an Invasion map with proper settings? Furthermore, can we force people to be Spartans/Elites for certain teams/roles? Ferrex: You should be able to completely set up (or re-arrange) an Invasion map. And Invasion itself has a bunch of sweet options to change things up too. Can't force teams, though. That's handled by the game type, not Forge. And this... Posted by: A Rusty Dusty 1. Will we still be able to forge other regular maps like powerhouse and swordbase? 2. Will we be able to forge firefight maps? Ferrex: 1) Yes, absolutely (including the Invasion maps.) 2) Unfortunately, no. Lots of technical reasons, and we wanted to concentrate on making those spaces awesome for Firefight
Skisma. Lol. Sorry! This logic implies that if Firefight were forgeable, it would be put into the same lobby as custom games. It's in it's own lobby because of it's special format of gameplay, not because of what it's not capable of. If Invasion turns out to not be forgeable on normal maps, then it would still be in the same lobby as custom games because ultimately, it's the same format. Player versus player. Short Bizzle, thanks for the contribution, but this isn't proof. Sure, it's proof that Invasion forge exists, but I never doubted that. I remember reading in a Bungie Weekly Update that you can change the one-way shield doors and how they react to the various tiers, plus the technical jargon of dealing with respawning systems. The actual question here is whether or not it is possible on Forge World and other normal maps. Both of the questions in both of the links referred only to forging in general. Trust me everyone, I want Invasion to exist on Forge World, but I refuse to be mislead. I just had a thought. Even if Invasion is impossible on, say Hemorrhage, it seems as though Invasion Slayer would be much cheaper. This might exist if normal Invasion doesn't. I have my fingers crossed.
Only time can tell whether we will be able to forge Firefight or Invasion on Forgeworld or other maps. I don't see a problem with Firefight being forgeable. You could set a place where a Phantom comes and drops off units. I could be wrong though. Invasion would seem a little tougher to forge on other maps with the Tiers and such. If Invasion turns out unforgeable, I'm sure we can find a way to make a custom version of it. Maybe CTF and the Elites have to get to a certain point where they can unlock a door to the next place. And so on, until they get to the flag and capture it, like the core.