I was wondering if it is possible to set the game settings in custom games for the player's weapon, to be "No Weapon" or "None." If you could, it will help a whole lot on certain games. Do you guys think it will be possible in the final game?
I hope so, and thinking about, it should be in the final game. I don't know, we are all in the same boat together at the moment.
I hope so, it would be useful for Custom Games, especially since the Plasma Pistol can now kill and can't be used as a melee-only weapon (by turning off shields).
That'd be awesome, I hope its possible. it'd be good for machinima. also, I have an old style duel game i'd like to make, 1v1 2 players start back to back with no weapons, and must walk forward 20 paces to get a mag
The plasma pistol could always kill... It took 20 or so shots after the sheilds were down, but it killed. Also, I wouldn't count on it. If you want a gametype with no weapons at start you'd probably have to mod it.
I don't know... they said they made it so you could spawn with any weapon, even the heavy ones (machine gun turret, flamethrower, missle pod....) it wouldn't surprise me if "no weapon" was an option as well. I think they are trying to create the most diverse custom game editor possible. But I do agree not to count on it.... just like I'm not counting on transport hog being available in forge but I am surely HOPING it is there.
I doubt it. That would be really cool though, for like clan meetings and stuff. Maybe, we'll get lucky and they'll make it possible.
There is no way to make your own setting in Halo 3 without modding it and in Reach it would be very helpful for machinamas and just for the lulz. I think I have the gametype with no weapons and there is certainly some glitch that you could complete in Halo 3.
I would settle on either no weapon, or the ability to change how much ammo your starting weapon has (no ammo/energy on sword = perfect no-weapon type of thing that you can still hit people with (I hated how in Halo 3 you couldn't hit people with no weapon. People should be able to punch note that i did the glitch, I'm no modder or anything)
if they do add in the option of no weapon start. a new option should pop up that gives you the option of providing a punch like melee On/Off that would be really cool for "challenge courses". AKA Puzzles/jump maps etc. and pretty much any map in general were assasinations are a problem. unless you finally have a way to turn off assasinations. either way it would be a nice option. ? why didnt they just give you the option to do it in halo 3 if they took the time to add the animation of what your guy looks like without a weapon when you glitch it ?
They had the animation for say, at the start of Crow's nest. You have no weapon right after the cutscene. That's why they had the animation for no weapon.
Well, when I think about it, this is my reasoning. If you're able to spawn with things such as machine gun turrets and such as a primary, which I heard you can, then wouldn't dropping it give you no weapons like the modded gametypes in H3? So I'm assuming if bungie is allowing us to spawn with big weapons, then we are also able to have no weapons. Tis my theory.
I wouldn't be surprised if we did have this option, because they've really done a lot to accommodate forger's and macinima makers.
I really doubt it, but I also really hope they do include it as an option. I just want a less awkward position for being weaponless for things like machinima and certain gametypes.
Yes I'm hoping for the good ol' troop hog to finally be in Forge and us be allowed to FINALLY sit in the back. But yeah probably getting my hopes up. Just like with no weapon, it'd be great, fantastic even if it happened but most likely no, seeing as they'd have to create animation for punching jumping all that, unless it was for basically Machinima only.
I'm pretty sure that there is an option to turn the turret off, If I remember correctly. Not sure though. And "No weapons" Could really help machinimas online, If they don't have "Lowered weapons" button input online.