Psychokinesis Sketchup Preview

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by PRS, Aug 19, 2010.

  1. frog on stilts

    frog on stilts Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You made me pee a little.

    When you make this map, be sure to tack the "beta" label onto the title or description, so that after you playtest it, it won't be called "Psychokinesis v3.4".

    If you need any help with the tech specs, you are welcome to send me a friend invitation and request some help.
  2. xMLGx InStINcTx

    xMLGx InStINcTx Ancient

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    In Reach, you will need a budget glitch because everything on the forge menu is doubled even though you get $10,000. Its just like foundry, 700 isn't enough, nor is 10,000!
  3. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Sigh, I did the math a while ago, here are my results.

    Sandox, nonbudget glitched, 1500 dollar budget. Leaving 100 for weapons, that's 280 objects.

    Sandox, OLN, budget glitched, around 600 objects.

    Halo Reach non budget glitched: 10,000 / 10 = 1000 objects. That's just the 10 dollar objects though. However, the objects are MUCH larger, and things such as flooring and blocking off a won't require very much budget at all.

    I'm actually hoping that a Reach budget glitch isn't discovered. The reason why I did it in H3 was because the limits of H3 budget didn't allow me to fulfill my visions. So despite the lag, I just wanted to do as much as I could. So if there is a budget glitch in Reach, I will use it, but I just hope lag isn't too much of an issue. It can just ruin maps sometimes.
  4. PRS

    PRS Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Alright, you've got questions, and I've got answers. Hopefully.

    What exactly looks bland? If I know, then maybe I can address the issue better.

    I'll be breaking out the soft kill volumes aove the map, but if you land on the roof or anywhere I don't want you to you'll die.

    And I used the increments that Sketchup snaps you to to get the blocks in a circle.

    Kinetica hasn't been released, nor completed... :/.

    I will make this inbetween a chasm near the canyon (the one Shiska flies through in the falcon in the Comic-Con demo.)

    If your only worried about the bottom level of the base, I'll redesign it. If your including the top, I'll redesign that too.

    I can only hope, But there aren't a lot of pre-mdae stuff though.

    And I hope you do see it in Reach. It will be there.

    Narrows has at least 5 long LOS, so having some long LOS doesn't kill a map. I'll see how it plays in-game, then worry about gameplay issues and all that jazz.

    Which level of the bases exactly? I'll redesign both if needed.

    I see your point. I will add some cover inside the middle of the map.

    Where else should the "push" head? The middle is the most advantageous point on most maps. And I'd like to hope I have enough budget, though I know all the prices and stuff.

    Your the fourth to diss my inside :p. I will definately redesign the bases.

    I shall keep that in mind. I've done what you said before, I should be fine not to make a Psychokinesis V 7.127943608 or something stupid like that.

    I really hope I don't or I can get the glitch usable ASAP.

    So I have one request from a bunch of you to redesign the bases, which I will do. Other than that there is not much else that needs tweaking.

    Thanks to all who gave kind comments and remarks to the map, I appreciate that you like my designs.

    Continue to discuss, I hope to forge a masterpiece here and your voice can change a lot. So speak up if need be.
    #24 PRS, Aug 19, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2010
  5. LRMAN0989

    LRMAN0989 Forerunner

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    Both. They just don't look as cool as everything else :/
  6. AnthraXe187

    AnthraXe187 Guest

    Wow, it looks like the SketchUp itself took an army to "Forge". This is by far one of, if not the best map I have seen. When you release this, it will probably the only competitive map I will ever play (I don't play much MM on Halo anymore) because of the shear brilliant layout of the map.
  7. Cato IV

    Cato IV Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I don't think you need to do a drastic redesign of your interior. There are two things that I can see that are making people like the exterior more, and they are both minor aesthetic things that don't require a big overhaul.

    First, there is more lighting contrast in you exterior pics. You have shadows on, which makes sketchup render one side bright and one side shadowy. But in your interior pics, the lighting is flat and even. This makes your exterior seem to comparatively "pop" more to the eye. When you make the map on Reach this will fix itself because Reach renders way better than sketchup and you also have those red/blue lights that will cast shadows in there and make things pretty.

    Second, your exterior has more ornamentation than the interior. All the flat surfaces on the outside are broken up by repeated angular geometry. These things make eyes happy. All you need to do is add similar elements on the inside on top of your existing structures. You'll kill two birds with one stone this way by breaking up the long sight lines . This shouldn't cost too much if you choose to use $10 pieces. Just think of Epitaph's walkways for your walkways and Narrows' top mid for bottom atrium. Of course, you should fiddle around with the specifics when you play test and try to find a good balance.

    Again, congrats on making a nice map and good luck forging it.
  8. Greasyhippo

    Greasyhippo Ancient

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    it looks pretty amazing, hopefully you can re-create it just as beautiful in Forge. BTW how much money from the budget do you have left with this many pieces being used? just to get an idea of large we can make our maps.
  9. Canning Is King

    Canning Is King Forerunner

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    2 words.
    Good luck.

    If you can make this on the game, I want to play it!
    Looks insane!

    CAPNxXxCANT Forerunner

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    this is the first sketchup ive seen where i actually understand everything i see. this looks very good for some straight up competitive games. good job
  11. magicmike5462

    magicmike5462 Forerunner

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    wow this by far the best map preview yet
  12. patt06snipe

    patt06snipe Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Great map design and def the easiest to understand out of all the map previews! Although it looks rather large and I could be mistaken but this looks like it would be good for a 5v5 or 6v6 sized party. How many were you planning on it playing?
  13. Mongoose

    Mongoose Ancient
    Senior Member

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    When I scrolled down over the first picture, I almost had a heart attack. That map is huge! All I can say is good luck, this will be a definite keeper on my HD when it comes out.

    It actually kinda reminds me of Epitaph... except revamped twenty times over.
  14. OptimusPAUL 93

    OptimusPAUL 93 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    WOW! It's too beautiful! It reminds me of a shopping mall, only cooler. lol
  15. Turkeys4Life

    Turkeys4Life Ancient
    Senior Member

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    When this map Is playable i'll be glad to help test it so you can fine tune this amazing map.
  16. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Masterful. This is a much-needed break in the maps recently posted here. Can't wait to see this made.
  17. cD halomcee

    cD halomcee Ancient

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    God I would definitely play this. Hopefully this will be on matchmaking cause it's just awesome you just killed the rest of the maps.
  18. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
    Senior Member

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    What object did you use for the circular structure within it? The little cylinder in the middle of the bases.
  19. Cato IV

    Cato IV Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The sketchup component is called curved, walkway
  20. Forerunnr

    Forerunnr Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    i dont think that this map idea is possible. i am pretty sure that those parts used for the Ascension remake Pinnacle are grouped together in threes and inseparable from one another.

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