I was a member of this forum about two years ago, and once the site fell apart, i didn't really care about forgehub, because of all of the cruelty and deceiving behind the scenes. However, i was very immature back then, double posting frequently, and i believe i actually have had three or four infractions, oh my! I just wanted anyone who remembers me to let me have a brand new start, and anyone who doesn't to know who i am. I am a 16 Year old guy who loves FPS, and loves communities of kind people who share interests. I sure hope this forum is no different from others. Take care guys. Drew
Hello drew and welcome to 4chub. I too had a similar start. I had about eight infractions and pretty much no priviledges besides posting maps and commenting, but once I stopped being such a dunce, I kindly asked Insane54 for my privileges back. Now here I am, an active Askar with 689 posts. That just shows how awesome this place is.
Hahahaha, you seriously believe all that corrupt crap? The site never "fell apart", and if you don't care about the site because of it's 'backstabbing hooligan staff' and you left because they banned some people who needed to be banned, then leave while you're a step behind. But if you plan on staying and resolving your insecurity issues, welcome back.
It seems alot of people do what you did, I was a member on a different account acouple years back, probably around the same time as you.