Sandbox Elivation V3

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Winter Contengency, Aug 19, 2010.

  1. Winter Contengency

    Winter Contengency Forerunner

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    #1 Winter Contengency, Aug 19, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2010
  2. jameslieb1

    jameslieb1 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well if the maps are completely different you should give them different titles, if you call them v1 v2 and v3, it leads people to think that it's the same map but with slight changes to make gameplay better.
    #2 jameslieb1, Aug 19, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2010
  3. madcow015

    madcow015 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    In the future I would reccomend you not post your map 3 times in rapid succession like this; you will probably be infracted or your posts deleted for spamming. Also I don't see why you didn't just post the v3 map, unless the three maps are truly different from one another. But at any rate, if you ever find yourself wanting to post multiple maps at the same time again, you'd be best off just putting them all in one post.

    In regard to the maps, they look pretty cool. Could you post a weapon list for them? Looks like a sniper rifle would wreak havoc xD
    #3 madcow015, Aug 19, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2010
  4. Hat

    Hat Guest

    You should have combined these three maps together into one post as a map pack.
  5. Winter Contengency

    Winter Contengency Forerunner

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    well i see your point and they were call v 1,2,3 because the maps had simalaritys like the walk ways and platforms. and the sniper does not weak havok because of the banchees and the lasers!
    that an idea?!
    list of details and weps coming soon for all elivations!
  6. Spartanchief34

    Spartanchief34 Forerunner

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    You should have just put these maps in the "Elevation Mapack" I mean they all have the same name for crying out loud and you released all, almost at the same time. Also, I think that a waaaay bigger descrition is in order and at least a few pictures for each map. This would have made the post a lot nicer. Please, sometimes pics can be better than videos because it allows you to focus on one aspect of you map and you can explain the pics as you go. Next time please think before you post. Overall, these all were great maps and they all actualy seemed to be completely different from one another and all have different gametypes for them. They were all very nice, the only thing missing is there presentation.
    #6 Spartanchief34, Aug 19, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2010
  7. fluffyroks

    fluffyroks Forerunner

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    I see why he did the v1 v2 v3 thing, its because he wanted to make the maps part of a map pack type of thing with the same name using the same types of scenery so in consideration some oth3rs have done this also I'm 99% sure of this but I could be wrong I think he doesn't need to fix them they're pretty alright as the are no need to flame him about it oh and very nice maps I think its pretty cool that you posted all three in succession keep up the brilliant work make good maps like this and you'll might get featured before reach.
  8. Winter Contengency

    Winter Contengency Forerunner

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    i am doing that i just havent gotten on to make a layout pic for them yet so stay cailm ill try to fix it today!
  9. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Yeah great for "sipers" (lol spelling fail due to rushing) because I see little cover on the map. The sniper would wreak havok *scoff* without the apparent "Banchees" (there is too many grammar errors @_@) and lasers anyone with sniper BR *cough* N00bs *cough cough* cowards *cough hack cough* could get a perfection on this map. Plus you might want to think of other ways to balance snipers other than Banshees and lasers. Sniper laser dominates just as effectively. Sniper for keeping infantry at bay, lasers for destroying vehicles, simple balance flaw that is easy to fix. I say you add A Laser (notice A which means 1) and maybe two missile pods to lessen the chance of Sniper Laser camping and to effectively balance banshee and sniper. This map was great for normal slayer but slayer BRs played very dully because of sniper tower (yes I am a slight BR hater, I admit it) and the cover not effectively protecting you. A map with a sniper tower I recommend have more closed cover to hide from the sniper instead of trying to get out of his line of sight. Other than that the map was pretty good I give it a 7.5/10. Welcome to forgehub and we appreciate (though it may seem otherwise) you posting the Elivation V Series (hey I came up with a 1337 ass name) Cannot wait to see what genius you come up with in reach
    #9 Zow Jr, Aug 20, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2010

    OFFICER NASTY T Forerunner

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    liked what you did with the map, i think there's balance between the sniper and the other guns, ppl do have some cover and way up at the top the sniper is rather exposed, like the addition of lazers and banshees to keep things interesting (that was a lazer fail though lolz) to sum it up i'd say you've created an interesting and dynamic map. P.S. i LOVE pancakes :)

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