Download Here This once galactic prison now exists as a solar fuel conversion facility for UNSC Pelicans. 2-10 players Solar Cell is a simple yet creative map using the interior rooms of Rat's Nest along with the outside pitfall and teleporters for more close quarters battles and dangerous maneuvering. The outer raceway part of Rat's Nest is blocked off, creating a unique map layout reminiscent of Chill Out from Halo CE. Views of the overshield in the red room and the camo in the blue room [img width=800 height=450][/img] [img width=800 height=450][/img] The rooms connect via bridges in the middle corridor of the map, and contain a Sword on the main bridge and a Hammer on the secondary bridge. Down the long dangerous pathway, loose cover shields you as you make your way to the rewarding Sniper, flame grenades and Turret at the end. View of the Sword and Hammer on the bridges separating the rooms: [img width=800 height=450][/img] The long corridor leading to the Sniper and Turret: [img width=800 height=450][/img] Outside the interior is the pitfall area, which houses many open containers, one of which contains a Rocket launcher; however, its in a dangerous area to say the least. In the vein of Chill Out, teleporters leading to both sets of connecting rooms are housed outside at each end too. Battling at the dangerous Rocket location: [img width=800 height=450][/img] Heading toward the two way teleporter to one of the inside rooms: [img width=800 height=450][/img] The map is compatible with all gametypes and is a blast to play in free for all and in team games.
What do you know, a map that isn't on foundry. It doesn't look you cahnged a whole lot except for where the original rocket spawn was.
Thers a Sniper Rifle, but I don't think that a Sniper would work effectively in this map because of the such tight-corridors and close combat in the map. And so many power weapons for such a small map, I'm not a big fan of overpowering the members. I think maybe a Grav hammer and Rockets with 1 clip. It's a overall good map, just a couple of things i didn't like about it. =]
It doesnt look like it took a long time but it really did, because I had to think of something that worked. But as far as budget goes, I had a ton of money left just because there's no real structure you could make, and the rooms inside are already perfect. And as for the power weapons, I kind of have to put them there just because that's how the map is. Like, you'd never go in some areas if there wasnt something rewarding there, and it would defeat the purpose of the new design, you know what I mean? Oh yeah, and the weapon selection was pretty bad, otherwise i wouldnt have chose the sniper. But I made it work with having a bubble shield pickup, so as long as you stay in the outside areas and the corridor, the sniper is effective. Thanks for the feedback guys, good or bad i appreciate it.