Reach. My dad has been great friends with someone who works for a review company. My birthday being soon, he pulled some strings and managed to get me a code given out to reviewers to download Reach. I haven't gotten to play it much, but plan to a lot tomorrow. Peace
Okay two thing first off if you really have it then why does it not show up in your achievements list if it shows up in a download list ( Sign In ) and second if you really have it then provide us with a video and more pictures of a tour of forge world and since you can take pictures take pictures of all the vehicles you can put out.
Wow. Could you check the list of multiplayer maps and see for sure that they have told us everysingle one of them? Thanks.
Obviously he has it, just look at the pictures. No matter what kind of proof people provide, n00bs like you find a way to convince yourself that what you see is fake.
Does it let you do matchmaking? If ti does are there like all bungie employees? Oh god, please like make videos of forge world for us or take more screenshtos or .. or... tell us sutff!
Take a picture of you T-Bagging a warthog while you have a rocket on your back, and a plasma rifle in your hand. That'll be enough proof for me.
Btw l33tmeerkatslol, keep in mind that bragging rights doesn't come without a cost. People are going to be spamming your Forge Hub inbox begging you to post videos and ****. So enjoy that!
So! I dont care if you have to have to make a video with the camera on your phone. If you can make videos, you will become SO popular on youtube.
Lol I agree it would be awesome if he posted some stuff I'm just warning him that people are going to BEG for **** and that it will most likely annoy the f*ck out of him.
The scene isn't real if you go to 1:35 in this video you will see that same scene. Hes probably watching that video on the xbox live dashboard. If he really had it he would have used a picture of him doing something that or putting out something that no one has seen. Also jameslieb1 its not me that's the "n00b" its you for calling me one cause I was trying to prove that he was trying to trick you all. YouTube - Halo: Reach - Vidoc 3: Forge World
Wow you're right. He could just be on his comp as well. What a **** I can't believe I believed him lol
No in the video there's a tree, in l33t's screenshot there's not. EDIT: Oh nevermind I see that there's a part where the tree goes out of the picture. I take back everything I said in this thread. Who do you think you are, trying to fool us?
Are you blind don't just look at that one time if you can't look at it correctly watch through 1:35 - 1:38 and watch it slowly.
But when the Spartan moves over to the right the tree isn't visible RogueShadow is right It also says 'Montana' in both shots in the bottom left