It all started with this quote from AceofSpades on the Kinetica Preview Thread over at Xforgery. This was the harsh reality of Halo 3's forge options. The limits set in Halo 3 was was very restrictive. Making two of these wasn't possible. But, with Forge 2.0 and Forge world, this door has opened, and I plan to use it to my extreme advantage. I present my most ambitious forge project (for Reach, at least at the time being.) I took up on Ace's offer and made not one, but 2 Kineticas, added some Epitaph, Construct, and Narrows love into it, and combined them into one BTB Sky Map in Reach. This map was the most challenging map to finish designing as I had to comply with the limits of Forge 2.0. All the limits of every category have been met, so no hoping it will work, it will. The designing took about 4-5 days was a struggle. I had lucky surges of ideas and ingenious to get around the limits by manipulating certain objects and fiddling with rotations. The original Kinetica was a vertically-challenging, asymmetrical, one-sided map. While Psychokinesis is verticaly-challenging, it is the opposite in all other aspects, being a symmetrical, two-sided quarrel. The map layout had to be duplicated and deformed to meet this standard. It was so worth it. The finished product is par on amazing. Presenting Psychokinesis. The huge beast that Psychokinesis is. It is huge. Side View. Top View. Dissecting, one layer at a time. The full map. Top Atrium (without Roof) Bottom Atrium (without roof or 2nd & 3rd floors) A closer look around. View of the Outer Stairs and most of the side of the map. The Top Atrium. View on the 3rd Floor Walkway. View on 2nd Floor. View of the 1st Floor atrium and Bottom Middle. The lift(right) and drop(left) are back, and better than ever. The Top Floor of Red Base. (Blue Base is identical.) The Bottom Floor of Red Base. (Blue Base is identical except for the color of the light.) The shotgun walkway above the Bottom Base Walkway. Notice the entrances to the lift.(Shotty will be leaning on the blue-green railing on the middle walkway.) The other side of the base, showing the Top Floor walkway and jump to the Top Mid. (The jump is the walls leading to the opening in the wall in the middle of the picture.) These pillars are freakin' cool. Discuss.
Looks amazing. Kinetica looked really epic and this looks even better! I'm glad you're creation won't be restricted this time. Good luck
Wo, this is by far my favorite sketchup so far. I am definately looking forward to this map once reach comes out.
Looks epic dude. I hope you can make the map this time! I love the walkways on the outside, but for some reason I think the inside is outshined by the outside and as such, the inside just looks.. Bland :l I wish you luck with the map!
I am glad to see not all of us are so restrainted by the nudget glitch, it looks amazing, much more so than my pitiful attempts. Much cleaner looking as well. I like the multiple levels and how do you plan on keeping people from roaming over on the top? A soft killbox perhaps? it seems to me like it's a pretty good sniping spot that would be hard to hit back at. Also at what rotation did you manage the peices to form a circle with such fluidity? My attempts at a circle from squares always end in failure.
Easily the most impressive sketchup i've seen so far. I really hope you can build that the way you want to. That just looks amazing.
CRAP this post made me **** my pants. i loved kinetica when it was released. in fact its still on my drive and i custom it up on it all the time. (snords is hillarious on it.) besides being well laid out this looks like something bungie would make. it is simply beautifull. my only concern is if people use jet pack here could you get on top of the structure. also where are you going to make this. which part of forge world i mean. when you make this i want to help test this
By far the best sketchup I've seen thus far, I can see some inspiration from Sword Base. The only part I don't like is the bases, they look really plain. All they are are a couple of Ascension thingies. Other than that, looks awesome!
Are you sure you will have budget to complete this? Have you counted it all up? There are alot of the premade structures in there which use a lot of budget. I hope this works out for you, it reminds me of something but im not sure what.
I love seeing sketchups, especially the impressive ones such as this, but they're all pointless unless you see it through in Reach, which I hope you do.
Oh my God. This map look soooo sick, and I really hope you are able to make it. Can't wait to play on it
I am now 100% gladder that I posted that comment way back. I wish you immense amounts of luck and I cannot wait to see it in Reach.
This looks like a really nice map. It looks like a forerunner version of a gothic church. I viewed all the pics for a while and I have one constructive ctriticism. It looks like there are a lot of really long lines of sight on the map, especially on the top floor and on the sides. On Narrows there are only 3 such lines of sight and only one that you can effectively use a BR/DMR(bottom walkway). There seem to be about 5 or 6 lines of sight like this on your map--two on each side, one from top mid to top mid and maybe one on bottom mid, I can't tell for sure. This could lead to the DMR/needle rifle being far and away the dominant weapon and everyone without one will try to go through the second floor.. You could solve this by adding a few elements to block those sight lines. I might be wrong, and if I'm right about this it's any easy fix anyway. Really look forward to seeing this in Reach, good luck forging it.
WHOA I almost pissed my pants when I saw this. Is it just natural for you to make awesome SketchUp designs, or do you have to work at it? anyways, this really looks awesome. but you should still do something more in the bases, they just aren't cool. Boring, is what I should say for the bases.
OMG... I think I need to clean my keyboard now... and replace my pants... That is just epic, it is inspiring and awesome... I love you, this is going to be one of the best maps made on reach in the beginning of its lifespan for a while.
Dude! The aesthetics are top notch. It will be hard to beat the looks of the map. Absolutely stunning 10/10 on it. I see a few people nagging at the budget. I know you will have no worries with the design the least. If anything, you probably have enough to build a spare =P. I have to agree with other criticisms. If this is meant to be a team play objective map, you are lacking internal cover, and the bases themselves are bland. With your talent, I'm sure you can think of a aesthetically pleasing bases as well. I think this map would do well if you made one way paths out of the bases into the central area so that getting o the bases from inside the structure is difficult. Force people outside to see the beauty of it. That being said, you are probably going to do that anyway =P.
Looks nice... I like it kinda of like a symmetrical epitaph. Looks cool but all the push heads toward the middle (from the pics)... Also estimated budget cost? All the structures (I think theres like 6) x150+alloftheotheritemsyouusedx10+decorative itemsx50+weapons(about $200)= your cost...
You need to get this map playable as fast as possible so we can start running some tests on it. I don't think I even have to mention how great it is, you know this. In my opinion this map has single handedly opened my eyes to the new potential of forge 2.0. A whole new era of maps, and for me, yours is the first. You set the bar for everyone else. Now, let's get this party started!
Its called a "Kill Zone", Caboose. OT: The outside of the map does look incredible, Once it is made, I'd totally call bungie up and talk about it. But I agree with whoever said the inside was bland, It kinda is.