The teleporters lead to each other... That way you can quickly jump from one side of the map to the other, I figured that was the most competitive layout... That and I like the idea of preforming a little Cincinnati Shuffle during a flag return, make em look left then go right...
Welcome to FH, great job on the kick-ass first post. This one really grabbed my eye because it looks so good in the pictures. I DLd it and it looks good up close, as well. Great map, buddy.
Sorry, I still prefer onslaught. You have some ideas that would improve onslaught by a lot but I really hate what you did with the center: When you grab the flag there are meant to be 5 options back (you have 5, although not directing from the base). The sides are supposed to be slower but with more cover (unless you went up the wall, which is suicide). The middle is supposed to be a very fast method (especially throwing the flag) while it offers little to none cover. I just don't like how enclosed it is.
I have to say, this map looks excellent your locking skills are great and everything seems neat and tidy. My only gripe is that the layout isn't exactly original, but its hardly anything to complain about since you literally have to break the mold in order to not do something that hasn't been done before (in one fashion or another). So don't take that as a big criticism ... Definitely looks like its worth a download.
I hate to parrot what most everyone says, but the pics does make this look like a very nice map. I'll come back after a forgethrough and give some initial feedback.
The center of the map is nice, but I've seen it done quite a few times before (not exactly, but similar). Not trying to say you copied, but that it could use a little spicing up, that's all. I do like the base layout however. That is a nice little piece of forging there. --dc
I broke this map if you want i can put the video on my fileshare its right where you built the wall, i gernade jumped ontop then just walked over the wall easily fixable and would boost the maps rating
This map looks pretty solid, but I don't like the snipers. They can't really work competitively with an open symmetrical Foundry map, but they could for this map. I think the middle could use some work, and I would geo. glitch the open boxes into the floor. Also, since this is a competitive map, I would assume you want the teleporters to work Halo 2 style (allowing you to go in and out quickly through 2 way nodes), and if you don't know how to do that, I can show in Forge. The map looks good, but I am not sure that it is MLG circuit worthy. If the map really is that amazing, it is a shame because MLG is testing v5 right now (2 Blackout variations and 3 Foundry maps), and I don't think the map would be ready in time. In case you were wondering, the 3 Foundry maps being tested are most likely 3 out of these 4 or 5 counting Stockpile. Foundry Maps for MLG v5
I'd like to fix it, only problem is I used the money glitch and got the "too many objects on map" message... To be honest I wanted alot more for this map but that little message put a hault to all my plans... I personally am never using the money glitch again, I ran into tons problems because of it...
I think the sniper towers work well enough for the map... I wanted to do alot more with the center, the problem is I was running outta peices and couldn't come up with another design that would flow as well with the map and with the money glitch it seems I ended up with an odd number of everything which really limited my options...