Hard Sun The ground you walk on is orbiting the sun!.. Slowly. A very small, yet spacious map. Unless you're in the tunnel. A rocket Launcher in a small cramped tunnel?!?! Yes, if you're thinking of commenting about how obviously terrible that placement is, please play first before you do. 2x 2x 2x 2x 1x Gametypes Supported: CTF, Team Slayer, Oddball & King of the Hill
No, I like the rocket placement. In insures that you do an efficient job of killing the enemy team before grabbing it. I have a map that I stopped working on that made is so that firing the rocket launcher near it's spawn was a bad idea. Very bad. Anyway, onto the map, the forging could be a little neater but that's hardly necessary. Could we get some more information though. An overview, weapons list, or gametype set-ups?
Hard to see the full layout with only two screens, the rocket spawn is good. A good example of the 'Risk & Reward' map technique - rewards you with a rocket launcher and probably a kill but risk getting killed if you don't get their first. I like it. Is CTF just thrown in? The map look really short and flag trips would be easy. I'm just guessing this is more of a FFA Slayer or FFA KoTH focus.