i did that the first time, but as soon as i realised that it made no difference since the best equipment comes from quests i stopped.
The first time I played, I did that, sold it to get some new chitin armour and then completely missed the stilt rider (that's what they're called isn't it?) and headed for Vivec on foot. I also sold every single thing in Balmora. Every basket and every crate and every unguarded household item from both sides of the city. I had to sell them to the cat in seperate portions, because I got over-encumbered alot. Did you know you can steal stuff from the Balmora armour trader's basement and the guards won't give a ****. Oh yeah, and I HAVE ****ed up the storyline. I got asked to take something to some guy and when I heard his name I went "hey, didn't I randomly kill that guy?" Then when he became un-findable it was confirmed. The funny thing is, when I killed him, it never said anything like "you have messed it all up for yourself, sucked in" when I killed him, which it usually does when I kill people like that. PS: To Assa1n: They could be, I dunno.
nope, but i discovered that there's orcish armor in the house with the scamp and if you take it no one cares, although you have to do a bit of travelling to get there. have you ever made it to the top of the mages guild? i got so close, but then 360 came out and my orig xbox broke so i couldn't be bothered to try again. if anyone knows how, please tell me.
Nope, I was more a fighter's guild person. I was a dark elf, and they're not too good with the magickz0rz. Plus, the fightaaaaaaz guild has more interesting missions and crap
I had it for the xbox but had to trade in the xbox for my 360 and morrowind isn't backward compatible, plus my computer is a mac so unless it's out on that which i don't think it is i'm screwed. PS: That would actually be a tragic story if I didn't rush through it like that lol. PPS: MMO? RLY? KEWL!!! I trust it will be some kind of runescape (just not as shitty) style thing with 16-people online worlds where you can just wander around and follow paths of death and destruction to find other people. Cool.
MMO? WTF? BBQ?? HOORAY!!! but seriously though, if the next one is MMO i will virtually have no life, i will live through it like i did with morrowind.
Well, not sure if it's Elder Scrolls, but Bethesda annouced they were currently working on an MMO that might even rival WoW. Don't think it's Fallout, because they're still deving Fallout 3.
Imagine Morrowind as an MMO. OMG. But yeah, I would just stalk people through forests and assassinate them
who wouldn't? but as an MMO it would be great, you could sell noobs swords that are overpriced! or get in a party and kill Mehrunes Dagon again or just wander Akavir and Oblivion. on a side note, where do you think the next elder scrolls will be set? i'm guessing Akavir but i dunno.
Morrowind is obviously the best one that was created ... and i think i rate Arena or Redguard above Oblivion (content-wise). ... also, i own the original XBox version of Morrowind, the Game of the Year edition (for XBox), and the PC version of the game (the Digipak box with TES Construction set CD) and the two add-on discs
i liked oblivion better but morrowind was awesome and oblivion wasn't that fun but then it grew on me
Also, an MMO Elder Scrolls game will suck. It'd probably be fun for a while, but it'll never be as immersive or as amazing as a single player TES game would. TES = Single Player experience.
you have a point there, constantly having noobs running up to you asking if they could get help whilst you're in the middle of a quests would suck, but dueling people would be fun, if they can oull it off well.
Aye ... it'd blow. You'd have people going ... "oooooo, wered u get teh shinny armur? wz it in teh big cave wit the snoww trollz?!1 ONEONEONE!"