
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Cato IV, Aug 18, 2010.

  1. Cato IV

    Cato IV Ancient
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    Hey guys, this is my first post in a while. I couldn't wait for Reach so I decided to do a map preview. The map is located on both Coliseum and Quarry. The concept of the map is an old space station/satellite crash lands on an abandoned forerunner base. My goal gameplay wise was to make a competitive indoor vehicle map, kind of like rat's nest. It looks pretty big at first, but once you realize that a lot of it is my model of the Coliseum/Quarry geometry it seems more realistic for the budget.


    Another Overview:
    As indicated by my amazing text graphics, those blue posts are supposed to be rocks behind which one team would spawn. The component file didn't come with rocks so I used those instead. That part of the map will definitely change some when I forge it for real.

    Rough Plan View:
    Hopefully you can discern the two paths from Quarry down to Coliseum. One is made up of large wall segments and has sparse cover like Rat's Nest. The other is the circular segment of the crashed space station. My scale for Coliseum may seem small but I'm certain it is all fairly accurate relative to the Coliseum window object, which I based it on after carefully watching some youtube videos.

    View Inside Curved Hull of Space Station:

    View Of Ramp and Lift:
    Here I've removed the tunnel roof so you can see the ramp connecting the top of the curved shuttle section to the Rat's Nest part of the map, as well as a gravlift to take people on foot through the tunnels faster by launching them up to the highest elbow. The light grey ramp on the right serves the same purpose by connecting the two "stock" towers in the tunnels together (and if you can't tell, it is actually above the tunnel). The tall cylindrical tower in the lower right is actually accesed via teleporter from the Coliseum base.

    View of Tunnel Bases:
    I've left the tunnel roof off so you can see how the two bases are accessed. The exposed ledge in the bottom of this picture will be a good hotspot, because it has clear lines of sight to both tunnel bases, as well as their connecting ramp. It is also the best spot on the map for jetpackers trying to get to quarry from the tunnels, because the rest of the cliff is blocked by rocks.

    View of Coliseum Base:
    Here I've taken out one of coliseum's walls so you can see inside better. On the left you can see where the space shuttle segment exits and on the right is the back part of the Coliseum base.

    Other Side:
    This is the view from the other side. In the center of this pic is the main tower for defending the base. On the right, the blue dot represents the teleporter up to the tall straight cylindrical tower on top of the light grey tower base.
    #1 Cato IV, Aug 18, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2010
  2. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    Looks pretty cool, love all the curving paths. I'd like to point out that this isn't going to translate well into Reach at all however, your current dimensions are no where near the actual size of the coliseum/quarry.
  3. xMLGx InStINcTx

    xMLGx InStINcTx Ancient

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    Same, as good as this looks on sketchup, I can't wait to see the real thing!
  4. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Looks very cool, but as Noxiw said, your dimensions are off. The satellite is amazing, may I suggest you just recreate this in the canyon?
  5. xMLGx InStINcTx

    xMLGx InStINcTx Ancient

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    That would be cool, especially over a cliff or something!
  6. eating lunch

    eating lunch Ancient

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    No don't move this to the canyon!

    This is an ingenius way to make a map using the quarry and the coliseum!

    When I saw that one was on top of the other, the idea of making a map that used both of them popped into my head too, but I didn't care that much about the idea really, so I didn't give it much thought and therefore of course did not think of a creative way to make a map using both of them.

    You came up with an excellent idea here, and I think moving it destroys the whole concept you're working with.

    I wouldn't be too worried if your sizes for the map areas are off either because you have the main design of your map down. It won't be a problem really adding some stuff in if you need to. The paths from the quarry to the coliseum are the main design elements you need to have worked out, and they look well thought out to me.

    Good luck with the map!
  7. Cato IV

    Cato IV Ancient
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    Thanks for the feedback guys. You posted just what I was going to say, eating lunch, nice job spotting that. I purposefully focused on the connecting paths because A, that was the core element the map was designed around(the space station) and B, that way the main essence of the map wouldn't be compromised by scale innacuracies. I also spent a lot of time getting the scale as close as I could. I know it doesn't look right, but if you watch this and compare it with my pics it will look closer:

    YouTube- Halo Reach Forge World Demo
    #7 Cato IV, Aug 18, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2010
  8. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    It seems like all these Sketch-Up previews are symmetrical maps that will be floating in midair. I'm really glad to see something original like this map. It looks like a great idea. I hope you can make it work.
  9. AnthraXe187

    AnthraXe187 Guest

    I just noticed this in the video, but when you grab an object, the object itself doesn't snap to the center of you cursor but it will stay grabbed where you grabbed it. This seems like a very useful improvement when trying to line everything up. And also, the phased option doesn't seem to be limited to half-way into map geometry. One last thing, it also seems like you can set up every gametype in one round in forge. Like when he has hills in the first round and free-for-all spawns.
  10. SilverWolf

    SilverWolf Ancient
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    I'm liking the idea. This looks like it'll be fun to play and I'm also looking forward to seeing the product.
  11. Random1

    Random1 Forerunner

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    Won't work, too many expensive pieces and wall. You'll run out of walls and run out of money because the tailor made pieces are $150, and you have a whole stack of them. Might wanna get rid of the wreckage on the top. Nonetheless, I will give you a massive cookie if you can pull it off
  12. Tucci

    Tucci Ancient
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    All of the sketchup maps seem to be symetrical maps floating in mid air becuase there are no ground pieces in sketchup. You just work with the pieces on a 3D area.
  13. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Actually I don't think he will, it looks like for the most part that a lot of that stuff is just to simulate the terrain that it is going to be on, just to get the scale somewhat right. (I think)

    when i first looked at this and saw the wreckage I almost immediately thought it was a racetrack, but I see it now, and I really like the idea.
  14. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'm pretty sure you can only have 4 of those ginormous walls.
  15. Cato IV

    Cato IV Ancient
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    I only have four of the prefab tower/bases and 18 huge walls. Add the 75ish blocks and that's almost 5000, but it's worth it because that makes up all of the tunnels and most of the Coliseum base. What I don't know is how much the pieces that make up the wreckage cost. Worst case scenario, the big half cylinder pieces cost 150 and the "open box" ones cost 50. Then I would have to shorten the taller cylindrical structure in top of the huge prefab tower/base and get rid of the railings I used for aesthetics, which for some reason are 50 each. :S

    Yeah I thought more people would have the racetrack reaction. It makes sense, seeing as how it's a vehicle map.

    If you're right, that would make me a sad panda. Has anyone else heard this?

    EDIT: Also, I double checked my sketchup and it seems like my scale is just wrong on my crappy paint image, I'll go ahead and fix that.
    #15 Cato IV, Aug 19, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2010
  16. Oo iRoNy oO

    Oo iRoNy oO Ancient
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    WTF. This map is beautiful my good sir. This is a 1/20 map that I really can't wait to see finished.
  17. Cato IV

    Cato IV Ancient
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    If you feel so excited about a 1/20 map, I can't imagine how stoked you'd be for a 20/20 map, haha. Seriously though, thanks man.
  18. InFamousx

    InFamousx Forerunner

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    Wow, this map looks pretty cool, with the curving paths and aesthetics and stuff. Also, how much budget do you have left? If you have some put some smaller bases and some more aesthetics etc. But this map looks pretty cool overall.
  19. UndoingChales

    UndoingChales Ancient
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    I think that the spaceship crash art is awesome. Incorporating into both the levels... Even better... Hope it works
  20. Cato IV

    Cato IV Ancient
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    Thanks, this should be well within the budget, I counted around 6k iirc. And, yea, I'm going to spend all my left over money on adding aesthetic touches


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