If Bungie makes another forge world for downloadable content, which I am positive they will, probably two in my opinion actually, would you prefer an arctic themed forge world, like Avalanche, Sidewinder, or Ice Fields, or a Covenant City themed forge world like Midship, Damnation, Assembly, and so on? Someone posted a thread about this, and the Human City theme is winning, but these two themes are in a close second. So I was wondering which one of them was preferred if those were the only choices. I want to poll the winner against the Human City theme, so that after we do that we will know what most people would prefer the next forge world to be themed after. Hopefully we can get two out of the three though! That would be awesome if Bungie makes two more forge worlds using two of these three popular theme ideas.
I don't believe they will. But I would want a HUMAN city. Ooooooooohhhhhhhh I didn't follow the rules! Artic.
Arctic covie city? I'd rather have an arctic and a HUMAN urban enviroment. So long as the eviroment ISN't filled with a bunch of weird ass shaped buildings like forge world is. The lack of flat walls bothers me greatly.
They will. They made Foundry solely for people to forge on, and then made yet another map solely for people to forge on, Sandbox. The default versions Bungie put in matchmaking of Foundry and Sandbox sucked, and weren't popular. Bungie really didn't try that hard to make their own matchmaking maps of Foundry and Sandbox that exciting because they made those maps for people to forge on mainly. Foundry and Sandbox usually got voted down in matchmaking, and people disliked them, including me. So there's no reason to think Bungie won't make one or two more forge worlds. I seriously doubt they will suddenly stop taking interest in making maps for forging since Forge World is the third map mainly made for forging, not necessarily just playing games on. I mean originally Forge World was going to be 5 different maps, but they made them one map just for forgers to help them out. That was a huge sacrifice to make just to make an awesome forging map. Just think, if Bungie hadn't of been interested in making a forging map there would be a not as big and not as awesome Forge World, plus FOUR MORE normal maps for regular games. They could have done higher quality remakes of Lockout, Ascension, Blood Gulch, and whatever other map maybe Sanctuary. That was a HUGE sacrifice they made just because they're interested in making great forging oriented maps. So if they're interested in great forging maps enough to sacrifice higher quality remakes of Ascension, Sanctuary, Blood Gulch, and Lockout, I think they will be interested in making one or two more forge worlds as well. Although they may not necessarily be on the same scale. They may be a bit smaller, like Sandbox size, which is still plenty big. (Maybe thats what you're thinking?) --- Do you mean flat walls without asthetic designs on them? Because I'm like 96% certain there are flat walls of a ton of different sizes in forge world... so I guess you mean without asthetic designs on them. If thats what you mean, I kind of agree with you. I was thinking about that earlier myself actually.
I seem to remember another thread regarding this vote, but who cares. I'd go arctic. Avalanche is the extent of our arctic forge and it was limited to unlevel terrain and lots of boxes.
I'm surprised more of you prefer an arctic theme over a covenant theme, I thought it was going to be the other way. I would like either one really, and prefer both over a human city which is winning the poll that has a bunch of different theme ideas.
I meant to be with you lol! I voted wrong in my own poll because I confused myself while I was writing the stuff lol! I just lean towards covenant because we have not got to forge with a covenant theme yet, and we did get to forge with an arctic theme on Avalanche, although it wasn't necessarily always the best since it wasn't like Foundry or Sandbox. But you could do a good bit on Avalanche.
What are you talking about? I was pointing out that there's already a thread just like this and that this thread should be locked.
I would like to see an arctic-themed forgeworld with a bunch of unique terrain.It would also be nice if it was snowing on said arctic map.
neither. human theme, no snow. or maybe even another forerunner theme, but different terrain. forerunner objects are the best for forge. covie objects would be horrid.
You gotta remember that covenant objects are very round. Round objects don't fit well together, unless specifically designed to, which will limit our abilities. A covy theme would just not work. I would, however, love to see a human/unsc theme, and I certainly wouldn't mind a snowy terrain. Although, why are wondering about the next forge world? We still don't have the first one!
What makes you think covenant themed objects would be horrible for forging? Even if it was mostly purple, Midship and Assembly don't look that bad asthetically. Actually Midship looks very nice I think. And the human themed Foundry objects were horrible for forging lol. It was soooo dull and never came close to working together. The objects always clashed with each other. There really hasn't been a human map in Halo that was really good looking asthetically. Some had great game play, like Headlong, Turf, and Foundation, but even Headlong and Foundation would have looked better with a different asthetic. Headlong could have had a futuristic asthetic instead of the campaign tan city asthetic, and Foundation could have had anything pretty much. It probably would have looked great with a Covenant asthetic since it would have resembled Midship a lot with a covenant asthetic theme. Turf looked ok though, although its main centerpiece asthetically was covenant with the scarab. --- Covenant objects only became round in Halo 2. In Halo CE, covenant stuff was square or round, just like anything else. And for forging, it would be the same basic shapes because those shapes are necessary for forging. Its not like Bungie could be like "Ok lets make a forge world with a covenant asthetic." Person 2: "Ok I will make the double wall purple." Person 1: "No wait! You have to make a double circle or a double sphere, this is covenant themed! The aliens don't understand squares and rectangles." Person 2: "But that won't work for forging. They need squares and rectangles like double walls." Person 1: "All things covenant being round is far more important than this map actually being forgeable! Forgers can just deal with having a circle and a double circle instead of walls and double walls!" There would just be purple walls and double walls. Why in the world would there be only or mostly round objects for a covenant forge world?
its not about looks, its about how well the architecture is for forging. well then it wouldnt be a covie theme. covie architecture is rounded and flourished. what you are suggesting would be a forerunner or human theme painted purple, which would just look stupid. there woudlnt. so covie theme is out.
I still don't see how a city theme would work. The whole point of Forge World is that is is empty. A city can't be empty.
There would be huge empty areas. I myself wonder why so many people are throwing around the word city too. --- Obviously you never played Halo CE. All the Covenant objects are round in Halo 2 and 3 because the covenant themed maps in those games were overwhelmingly round or oval maps. Snowbound however, was not entirely round. The bases on Snowbound were square, and were similar to the architecture of Halo CE covenant maps. Seriously, the aliens build laser beams. They know how to build a square. Just because the majority of recent covenant maps were round does not mean covenant is always round... Also if you're talking about covenant corners being rounded, in Halo CE covenant corners were not always rounded. And even if Bungie feels covenant corners should be rounded, which is not a big deal really, then its not a problem thanks to being able to phase pieces into each other. Just phase the rounded ends into each other and you have a solid wall. And if you want a curving wall, then use a curved piece. We even have curved pieces in Forge World. I think you're overthinking things and/ or you have to strict of an idea of what is covenant based on around two multiplayer maps due to their similarities.
A good example of an arctic forge world would be the terrain from Two Betrayals.If I remember correctly,Two Betrayals had a mostly open area at the beginning of the level when you first get your banshee.This area also has varying terrain,such as a few rock bridges and other unique terrain that was not in forge world.It's also snowing and at night,so that would give people a chance to use the new night-vision on a multiplayer map.