Here's the second one. If the early coding from is correct, there should be 4 more coming soon. YouTube - Remember Reach Live Action Trailer #2 IMO it would've been so much better if they used burning cities or covenant attacking at the end rather than a clip from the Patrol video. What I said before about the ARG... apparently is a digital experience site similar to the Halo 3 believe ads.
That trailer looks ok i guess. But when he puts the clip in it looks so fail because it bashes the gun before sliding in. and it doesnt look natural at all. and WHY WASNT THERE ALREADY A CLIP IN NOW YA DEAD JUMP! CATCH HIM PULL HIM UP! CITYS BURNING THANKS TO GUYS WITH PINCER MOUTHS. YOU NEED A BIGGER GUUUUUNNNN!!!
Well im assuming the assault rifle model is made so that putting the clip in is accurate to how one would put in a clip of an actual rifle. And in that case you would have difficulties putting it in straight up. Because you actually have to put it in at an angle. Which from what i can see looks like he did so it didnt look unnatural.
It looks extremely unnatural he didnt seem to know what he was doing to be honest. Whatever. Any other trailers like this?
On if you click usa it says "The monument to Noble Team Will live in: 5 days, 8 hrs etc" And its the 18th so it might be on the 23rd or 24th
The Countdown is for the ARG, which ties in with the Live Action Videos. Connect the dots people, they did something similar with H3 and H2.