U.N.S.C. Argyle's Fate [Sketchup]

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by TheGreatHibiki, Aug 18, 2010.

  1. TheGreatHibiki

    TheGreatHibiki Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The UNSC Argyle's Fate, the third frigate in the new Atreides class line, was built in Mar's orbital docks during the final days of the war. Her role, afterwards, in the defense of earth was to find the remaining rings and insure no further possible flood infestations. To that in The Fate was to locate the remaining rings, prevent a Halo IV (Halo CE infestation) accident, and safely disarm the Halos from their primed status.
    By thegreathibiki at 2010-08-18

    Only slightly smaller than The Dawn, The Fate was designed for hit and run tactics, she holds fewer missles but adds a second Mac Cannons
    By thegreathibiki at 2010-08-18
    A scale size for her. A spartan on her hull and a hog and scorpion in hold.
    By thegreathibiki at 2010-08-18
  2. FreckleEars

    FreckleEars Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I really like the aesthetics of the ship. It looks really well made.

    That being said; is this going to be a playable map with rooms/floors or is this just some decorative element for another map type? I am not asking if you will make all the decks and rooms, but at least add some internal structure.

    Is that possible for you?
  3. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    Budget will definately be hit. Each Slate is 200 and it looks like you have about 20 plus structures $150x, so you're bound to have to make it smaller or not to do it at all. Looks cool though.
  4. TheGreatHibiki

    TheGreatHibiki Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks, I have spent about a day planning out her engines and basic hull design, so hearing the aesthetics are good make me feel like I have acomplished something.

    As for a playable map, she is pretty much near some of the object limits but well within the 10,000 budget so interiors and the like will happen, with some interesting levels? I don't know for certain. That said this is just the inital version of her hull, no real stricking features to make her unique yet, more will come. Also this is part one of the Argyle's Fate series. There will be two other maps in conjuntion with it. So it is my hope this will be a playable map. 100% aesthetic maps kinda get boring for me, and while I have a few planned, the playable maps draw me more.

    One again with all my Sketchup maps, any C&C welcome. After all...

    "We're building a better world, all of them, better worlds."

    WHAT??? 200 bucks a pop???? How do they expect Anyone to want to build anything interesting other than the those floating maps? It damn well better not be or i think I will be furious, I want to build with few limits and it seems like the more I try the more limits I run into.
    Update: I forgot to show the rear end of her, which i suppose would add more to her apparently already overly hefty price. Who ever said Frigates where cheaper than most....
    By thegreathibiki at 2010-08-19

    Update update: I was working on a more aesthetic version of the Fate when I found out about the possible 200 buck a pop ruin all my maps with over pricing wall problem.
    By thegreathibiki at 2010-08-19

    Update update2: I afterwards having learned of possible stupid items being so overly $ it's no better than Halo 3 forge half the bloody time I annoyingly began working on making her cheaper, I think I failed because the smaller rendition is frankly ugly to me and my distaste for having to sacrifice my creativity for **** like that is apparent.
    By thegreathibiki at 2010-08-19

    And finally all three versions together. The three Fates?
    By thegreathibiki at 2010-08-19
    #4 TheGreatHibiki, Aug 18, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2010

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