I know I still ain't that great. Just thought I'd show some screenshots that i've been doing: Roaaar Void Spire
Roar is a pretty good screenshot ONCE you look at it closely. At first I just looks a mess and this first impression kind destryos the shot. 5/10 Void...well...been there, seen it, done it. Nuthin original. 6/10 Im digging spire. That is just a sweet screenshot. Great background, good focus point and overall just amazing. 10/10
Spire is really neat, because unlike many pixel-style screenshots, the focus of the screenshot is interesting (instead of a distorted spartan head or something).
I like Void. But I like the pictures from Heretic. Speaking of that. How do you take pictures outside of Heretic? I have tried serveral times and I can never get them to work. It always comes out to be a blue screen.
The pics are really creative but I would try adding your character in some more of your pics along with the cool effects in theses pics. My fav is the second one.
My favourite is definitely the second one, because the ship is smiling. Although I have seen that screenshot many times before.