can i make a request too? i want this map to have forge art of a giant Cow hidden somewhere in the map as a little easter egg
Ok here's my plan 12 Covenant Cruisers 11 (thousand) Taco Bell Restaurants 10 ODSTs 9 Tin Cups 8 KFC Restaurants 7 Columns (see what I did there?) 6 (hundred) Fusion coils 5 miiiiidgets in speeeeeedossssssss 4 killballs 3 New Mombasas 2 Headlongs and a falcon in a pear treeeeeeeeeeee
begforcake i thank you for putting my request in there For that i give you a +1 (you will see what i mean)
Headlong FTW!!! You should build it complete with the fabled Golden Warthog, oh! and also the fabled black MK V spartan known as, "The Guardian".
Thanks but Im goona stick with Headlong, ill proberly have a forge easter egg where the civillian warthog on the billboard is driavable
Ok you guys are all being ridiculous asking him for Headlongs, Taco Bells, midgets, and so on. TWO aircraft carriers is COMPLETELY REASONABLE AND ACHIEVEABLE! So don't listen to those other people trying to top my specifications with impossible specifications. Two aircraft carriers, or no map.
Midget in a speedo, or no map. These things have to appear alright? They make a good map jesus be reasonable As requested
Omfg reichers...OMFG I am forever in your debt... Ok back on topic. Where do you plan on making this "city"?