Ok, so I was looking through the forums to see what we've come up with so far pertaining to plans for Reach. Along the way; I thought to myself "Wouldn't it be nice to have all these threads in their own sub-forum? And while I can't guarantee that, I can at least compile them all into one thread for ease. As sketchup designs come out, I plan on updating this thread with the new designs. As it stands, there is only going to be a list, with a link to the original thread. I'm going to put them in alphabetic order, for convenience; all unnamed designs will be placed at the end of the list. A) Acrophobia - SinJin B) Beaver Creek remake - Frog on Stilts Black Hole - BraveDave Bullside V2 - DSF Faust C) Chasm - FuRrY321 Chiron TL-25 - ReadEarth Construction - Jay Rockin Weezy Contact - AdventBlood Convergence - CowboyPickle Covenant on a ship Caniblcake D) Damnation - Entropy AD Deathdrop - HLG Flashpoint Docking Station - GH0ST E) Epsilon - AwfulDarkJedi Esoteric - PRSplayer42 F) Frieghter - FreckleEars G) Gyroscope 2.0 - Crypto nv H) Halocline - JEEF I) IJN Yamato - TheGreatHibiki J) Jumpball / SpaceBall - Sea Urchin K) Kamino - RingOftones L) Liquid - DimmestBread Lucidity - Col Keller M) Miranda - WokeUpAsADonut MLG Warrior V2 - Tucci Mortors - HLG Flashpoint N) Narrows-esque - madz333 Neptune's Mercy - Racoonsniper13 O) Odyessy - Xang Oil Rig - Kilamanjara14izback Ortheopy - Nyte Overflow - UgotGerms P) Psychokinesis Proximity - Frog on stilts Push - SilverWolf Q) Quadradish - FuRrY321 R) Rigor Mortis - TheGreatHibiki Rob Planet V1 (Cops and Robbers) - Noizzy Rabbit Rush - thecairocat S) Station-203 - foxtrot1004 Sunken - halfdemonanbu Suspension - Voi69 T) The Dish - TheGreatHibiki The Halo Museum - Epic xX Fate Xx The Shrine (previously nameless) - pinohkio The X FX - AnthraXe187 Titan Mode - Highlaw Tower Rock - FreckleEars Trapped on a falcons back - caniblcake Treadmill idea - BraveDave U) Ultimate paintball? - SilverWolf UNSC Argyles Fate - TheGreatHibiki UNSC Corvette Delphi - FreckleEars USS Enterprise (WiP) - TheGreatHibiki V) Voccer - AnthrAxe187 W) Walkways - Lemonzap Wreckage - Cato IV X) Y) Z) Unnamed Sketchups Map idea/preview - CombatGam3r Update Log Spoiler August 13th: Added: Esoteric - PRSplayer43 Epsilon - AwfulDarkJedi Changes: Took out the list function, because it got messed up. Fixes: Broken link. Esoteric* August 14th: N/A August 15th: Added: Rob Planet - Noizzy Rabbit Ultimate paintball - SilverWolf *Update Log* August 16th: Added: USS Enterprise - TheGreatHibiki Lucidity - Col Keller Beaver Creek remake - Frog on Stilts August 17th: Added: Contact - AdventBlood August 18th: N/A August 19th: N/A August 20th: N/A August 21st: N/A August 22nd: Added: Frieghter - FreckleEars UNSC Argyles fate - TheGreatHibiki Vodar - AARC Forgers Overflow - Ugotgerms MLG Warrior V2 - Tucci Push - SilverWolf Gyroscope 2.0 - Crypto nv Oil Rig - Kilamanjara14izback Proximity - Frog on stilts Quadradish - FuRrY321 liquid - DimmestBread Psyocokinesis - PRSplayer42 Halocline - JEEF The Dish - TheGreatHIbiki Walkways - Lemonzap Neptune's Mercy - Racoonsniper13 changes: Redid the entire list spent about 45min doing a massive update August 23rd - 28th N/A August 29th Added about 14 new sketchups, changed the list again, this will be the last update log, mostly because it takes much too long to copy and paste everything twice.
Looked through all of 'em. That's a lot faster than searching for each one, thanks! BraveDave's link is broken though, it takes you to CombatGam3r's. I made a grifball map too, but it's highly susceptible to change, so you don't need to list it.
I think I put that when I typed them all in a text doc. but then it got changed around when I typed it into the thread. Probably from a lack of sleep.
Thanks, that's the point of the whole thread TBH; I am expecting a lot of sketchups between now and Sept 14th, and I thought a single thread with all the links would be the best way to keep track of them all.
sweet! Great idea, makes it easier to see everyone's ideas and their epic sketch ups(cus mine is kinda lame :/) But this should get stickied
Let's hope, even with the addition of the "Map Preview" tags, it would be impossible to fit all of these on one page. //Updated for August 16th//
I was just about to ask why this wasnt stickied yet and then I read this, but its a great post so I bet it'll get stickied soon
I just added mine an hour ago. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-reach-forge-discussion/103401-freighter-sketch-up.html
Which will happen as long as I have internet connection I just took out the colours because it was getting annoying to type "[colour=Royalblue][colour]" over and over again, because for some reason just clicking the font colour wouldn't do it Massive update done for August 22nd. I should do another one this weekend, because I'm going fishing until Friday, and then I have to drive home, which includes a 8 hour ferry ride :C
Sorry if I am the only one who doesn't know this, but how do I post a picture of my google sketchup here?
You dont; you post the thread, and then I edit the link into here. I didn;t think anybody still poked around in here; so I have some major updating to do. Edit* Updated for almost all the sketchups.