Newfound ForgeWorld Gameplay Vids: Hemmorage and the Cage YouTube- "Hemorrhage" (Blood Gulch) Halo: Reach Gameplay + Commentary YouTube- Halo Reach Forge World Map "The Cage" YouTube- Halo: REACH Multiplayer on Hemorrhage SDCC 2010 (Falcon) Pinnacle edited in later YouTube- Halo: REACH - Forge World - Pinnacle
Nice finds. I don't think I've seen these anywhere else. I'm disappointed about Armor Lock though. It was perfect in the Beta.
First video, That was pretty interesting got to see a good look of the map, mongoose physics are already revealed in that race video. Second video, i turned it off after 10 seconds of hearing a little kid yelling AWHGHSHDAWGHAG. Third video, interesting to see the falcon physics thanks for that. Fourth video, The yelling was less intense but i already seen the map how i wanted to in the other reveal video. Thanks though?
Yeah by the looks of it, The Cage isn't as cool as I thought it would be. Hopefully the actual map is a lot better than it looks like on this video.
Hopefully the Waypoint team will release Hemorrhage gameplay sometime soon. I'd prefer to watch that than The Spire. I wanna see the Falcon in action.
When is the next bit of Waypoint gameplay? Tonight? Methinks they're gonna release a vid every night til Reach
and when reach comes out we have no suprises? I kind of like where we are now. i know the suspense sucks but i want to go on reach and be like "WOAH YOU CAN DO BLEHBLEH"
this may seem noobish but in the first video when it is frozen at the begining it looks like a new armor ability? can someone explain what im seeing?
still it would be nice if they kept the good ol things from halo 2+3 like unlimited banshee and ghost boost+add new things like forgeworld
I dont find it to big of a deal. After you hold boost it seems like you go slower. I'd prefer it this way anyway so people cant rush their asses off in the beginning and they start using the mongoose more because it pwns