Help me get my new LE Halo: Reach Xbox 360

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ON3i11, Aug 17, 2010.

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  1. ON3i11

    ON3i11 Ancient
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    Please do not reply unless you are willing to help.

    Alright here's the deal. I really want the new LE Halo: Reach Xbox 360. But I definitely DON'T have enough money to get it as I already spent $150 on Halo: Reach Legendary Edition (which took me forever to save up for). And I cant sell my current 360 till after I buy m new one because I need to transfer all the data.

    So here is my plan. I am on lockerz (I know, 'fake and gay') but it may be m only hope. On lockerz I am ging to save up for a $250 Best Buy Giftcard, and I am going to ensure I gt into one of the BONUS redemptions.

    All I need is a little bit of your time. All you have to do is give me your email address, so I can send you an invite to join lockerz, then you need to sign up for lockerz through the invite I send you (using the same email I send the invite to). You don't have to be active on lockerz or anything, you just have to sin up using the invite I send to the emial you give me. Lockerz doesn't send you any emails regarding promotions or reminding you of stuff either, but if you want you can make a brand new email just for this.

    It would be so awesome if you could help my out on this. I only need like a thousand more points, and I get 2 pointz for everyone that I invite that joins, and if I get 20 ppl to join I get double pointz on everything. So if you are willing to help me just reply that you are willing to help and then send me your email in a PM an I will send you an invite on lockerz.

    Thnx in advance, hope you have the heart to help,
    #1 ON3i11, Aug 17, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2010
  2. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    i cant help you because this thread will be obliterated, one way or another.
  3. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Mow 25 lawns for 10$ each. There we go.

    Or sell 250 burgers for 1$ each.
  4. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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