hello this is my first post for forge hub so i might mess something up like posting 3 maps on one thread . someone tell me if im not allowed to do that, but here they are. 1st name of map: cryptidge its a big map in the crypt with a bridge and two bases, all symmetrical. made for slayer for 6-12 players. screenshots: cryptidge Map Download: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=118510708 2nd duelin dragons is a map made for 4v4 grifball screenshots: duelin dragons map download: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details my third map is called : the shire its an inside map in the crypt for 2v2 slayer to take the screenshots i deleted the ceiling, screenshots: the shire map download: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
These are some really good maps that 2nd map was really unique. I think your fine but the title you have to have your map name only or like "Semprs Map Pack" I may be wrong but thats what I think. Anyway welcome to forgehub and I can't wait to see what you make next.
From the looks of it I think Shire looks the best and the cleanest so far. I'm going to download these and they look pretty cool! Hope you keep it up. Criptage would be my second favorite after the Shire good job and welcome to Forgehub!
Looks very good and its only your first post. Everything looks clean and gameplay seems to work on first and third map. I didn't include the second one because i am confused how griffball works on it. You should take pictures of gameplay.
Ok. when i first opened the page, i saw the picture of the bridge. at that point i was like, that bridge seemed amazingly forged. but then i saw the bottom level of that map. its needs WAY more cover. if a few people were down there, it would become a boring battle to the death. you should add more cover by making more buildings. not as big as the bases, but like small structures. the other maps seem interesting too. i would suggest taking several overviews of each map. i couldn't really tell what how the maps were layed out. also a small tip, it looks more professional if your pics are taken in-game, not during a forge session, so the grid doesn't show up.
o yea i ran out of pieces on the bridge map, so i didnt get to fit in as much as i wanted. i built that one before i new that deleting original sandbox pieces was a waste and i hardly ever get to play games on these maps, ive got a ton of them but everyone plays mw2 now. o yea i forgot i could only put the map name in the title, ill fix that. o nevermind i cant change the title sorry