It was in Halo 3 Matchmaking, so I don't see why not. It was always fun to play when Living Dead rolled around, and you could always find it in Rumble Pit.. But if not, you'll always be able to find people playing it in customs.
Yes, there should DEFINITELY be an Infection playlist in Reach. Infection was one of the most fun gametypes in Halo 3, and a permanent place in Matchmaking was something that Bungie should've provided from the start. My vote is yes.
Infection has always been one of my favorite gametypes. Especially the ones people made in custom games and forge. I would love a infection playlist.
Hell yes son. but please accept some mother effing user maps. PLEASE. bungies maps were awful. although when mythic came out they started using elevators and ****.
It took years for bungie to finally make an infection playlist and it is only a double xp weekend playlist. the odds of them turning infection into a ranked or social playlist are kinda slim, but we will see what happens on the 14th.
hell mothah yes! But it definitely shouldn't be ranked. And custom content should be selected regularly.
yes i agree it shouldn't be ranked because some people would be all like ''leave me behind i want to die'' [no offense to who people who do that] instead of having fun and playing.
I didn't really think living dead was all that fun. It was way too balanced for it's own good, and, in my opinion, fun infection games aren't necessarily balanced. If it was a playlist with more community created maps/games then I would definitely like an infection playlist in Reach.
Someone should really start a group for this on and have people who want there to be an Infection Playlist add their name to a list, kind of like the 'Conquest In Matchmaking' group that GunnerGrunt started. (Although, sadly, our beloved Conquest never found its way into Matchmaking )
The biggest reason Bungie might keep infection out of matchmaking (which I think they should) is that a "great" infection game is largely subject to the preferences of the players involved. Bungie has to keep things simple in infection (ie. minimal changes to base player traits and the map) to prevent players from being stuck in terrible situations and quitting. Every time I play infection, I have to customize my saved gametypes for the current group of people to keep infection games fun, while any Team Objective gametype will be the same for any group of people. If infection is to be included in matchmaking, it is almost guaranteed to be in the banal form we see today in Double XP Weekend playlists.
Yes, I think they should turn infection into a Matchmaking choice. Infection is my favorite gametype and type of map I like to make, they should also make a new default infection style game based off of Left 4 Dead. Also they should use Custom Maps not already Pre-Made maps that probably suck.