like how it was in campaign. it seems to me that it would be simpler to make it equipment instead of big multi color balls but yea just thought id hear some of ur opinions on it
well, if it was used as equipment it would be used to wreak even more havok than they already do, like the invisibility provides something in the center to fight for, but this way, one cannot pick it up and then use it as soon as you get around enemies to either kill them or sneak by them to pick up the flag. if it is something that starts from activation as soon as you pick it up, its even harder to utilize correctly. i think the biggest reason though is so that it doesnt wreak more havok than it does all ready like i said. that is my explanation
If overshields were equipment and you could use them when you want, plenty of people would deploy their overshield in the middle of a fight allowing them to kill the other person who would've killed them. Also, equipment only came in halo 3, the overshields and active camos have been like that since Halo CE.
Everyone hit the answer to that question right. It's balance, if overshields and camo where equipment it would screw balance. Good question though, and good topic.
I agree with the whole " Wreaking havoc" thing, because as we all know, the overshield gives you temp invincibility, which is really nice at sometimes, thats the way I got my overkill achievement. I would of died if I didn't get that right off the bat. And amazingly the 4 guys I killed spawned extremely close to me in the beginning. I have the video saved, nothing big, but if I didn't grab the overshield, I would of been sniped in the head before I killed my first person.
Yea, as soon as you see someone with a rocket you can just enable the overshilds so thus creating a load of havock
I can see active camo being equipment, but not overshields. If it were equipment, people would use it like invincibility: they would wait for their shields to get down then hit X to recharge them. Since you are invulnerable while the shields recharge, it would be unfair to equip it whenever the player wanted. Or you could use it to storm a base: equip it as you enter a defensive position and get a bunch of easy kills. No bueno. --dc
I agree with what the people above said. It being equipement would make ''fights'' waaay more unfair. Imagine you're shooting a guy, and he suddenly dissapears, and the next moment, you've been assasinated? Wouldnt that be BS?
Ok, now this thread is becoming a spam board. Don't come in and post the same thing that has already been stated several times, say something new or nothing at all. Also to add to this topic, camo and os are already equipment, there is a glitch a few people know that if you switch weapons and already have equipment you can manage to literally pick up camo or os. I have seen it happen, I shot this guy, killed him, and then camo fell out.
I don't think anyone else said this, but everything listed as equipment (bubble shields, flares, nades, etc.) is either thrown or deployed. How can you throw or deploy an overshield or camo? Since there would be no visible indicator that the equipment has been used, the player shooting whoever had the overshield would wonder why the hell he wasn't doing any damage until the white aura was showing.
It'd be cool. But if there was an invincibility(not invisibility) that would be incredibly overpowered. Example: You see someone charging towards you with shotgun/sword/rocket/hammer and you wait and wait, then press (X) and completely disregard their attack.If there was one for camo, 2x resistance and a custom that'd be cool but they should only last like 15 or 20 seconds. But that will never happen
An overshield "equipment" would be invincibility,you impenetrable while it charges which is why most people don't grab it start off,they wait for someone else to bring the shotty,hammer etc to them
I didnt mean to have a piece of equipment with the same effect as the oversheild. I meant instead of a few seconds of invulnerability then 2x sheilds, just 2x damage resistance instantly no build up or invulnerability. although it could be used at the lowest point of health, i guess no oversheild equipment