Just really introduces Noble Team, and in the end you see DR. Halsey inventor of the spartan program. She has the same voice as cortana cause she created her.
When she said "there's only one other Spartan with that rating", was that a possible reference to John-117? Also... Jun... -has scottish accent -great sniper That's definately Capt. MacMillan in the future
The ViDoc reminds me of the Mass Effect 2 class trailers. On another note, the hype is increasing...I love it.
Said this in reach discussion but yeh... Halsey isn't supposed to know about the spartan 3's until later.
either: you end up with Cortana's big sister (whose name escapes me) in your head as an experiment or sommat. or Noble 6 is Master Cheif. at the end of the campaign you get put into cryo, on the Pillar of autumn. these are very far fetched predictions that can't be backed up with any real evidence.
Spoiler I believe the story goes that once Master Chief found out about the fall of Reach, He believed he was the last spartan left alive and that all the rest of the Spartans died on Reach. So if my sources are correct, John-117 is somewhere else in the galaxy during the time of Halo: Reach. EDIT: http://halo.wikia.com/wiki/Reach#The_Fall_of_Reach <-source. wouldn't know if it's considered a legit source, though.
fair enough. ye those were just really random ideas that popped into my head. thought i'd share and let someone give me a good slap across the face. ^^
i actually was discussing this with one of friends about a month ago saying how awesome it would be if noble 6 actually turned out to be master chief.
Im thinking that near the end of the game you get recruited to help halsey with her little side mission that was Ghosts of Onyx? I forget which book it was it might have been first strike.
Jun. It's an Asian name. It's probably pseudo-Chinese or -Japanese. Kat has the Russian accent. It's cool to see Dr. Halsey, but I just hope the characters don't turn out be cliche. We'll see. I guess it's not much of a problem, and I do like Jorge and Kat based on just impressions.