So I was just wondering what some people think will be the most overused premade piece in forgeworld. I'm talking about like the premade rooms, bases, etc... My bet is on the sniper tower.
The rocks. I can see it being like the tin cups where if it's not in your map, it may be good but it's not great.
Slates, or whatever they're technically called. or the long platforms; top and bottom. They make some pretty sweet aesthetics.
Overused? As in, the piece we may get sick and tired of seeing? I'd agree that it would probably be the Gigantic Wall. That thing is useful. I just hope we don't get sick of seeing the glass piece, because that thing has some cool potential.
Unless someone finds a way to make people spawn somewhere without placing spawns 0.o And, if you're talking stuff that aren't needed for a map, but used to make it and not stuff like spawns, then I say ramps.
Right? I really like the glass walls as well. Especially since it gives us something new besides stone.
No such thing as overused. If it would work best where you want to put it, then put it there. You guys shouldn't worry so much about what pieces will be most popular.
I think that the only way something can be overused is if you get tired of seeing it as an aestetic piece. i know i wont be thinking "gezz im tired of seeing these big walls used as floors" because they are great for smooth floors, easy to use, and i will definately be useing them too. but if theres one piece people keep using for looks thinking they are original, that would get tiresome
He said premade pieces, as in complex structure. I'm going with Ascension's angled tower. Tin Cups give a map some much needed visual variation which makes for a convenient landmark and just looks visually appealing. Plus they only cost $2 so using them for flooring in an area saves you money.
Thats what I was thinking. I know that maps will have plenty of blocks and spawn points, but I have a feeling that instead of creating original pieces, people will just use "3 room whatever" and will cause some maps to lose originality.