So I was sitting in my living room at 11:30 PM on a Monday night and I thought, I really think the Lagoon will be way overused because it has a really nice scenic view, a neat looking waterfall, and is probably pretty easy to build a map on a cliff-side. But that's my opinion. I would like to hear your guys/ girls opinions, just to see what you guys think about this. Just remember to vote on the poll before (or after) you post. And if you don't know one of the listed places on the poll, look back on this.
Hmmmm... That's an interesting question. I think eventually all areas ON Forge World will get overused. Not to say we wont find places.... But as for the named sections, I think the Colliseum will be overused ridiculously. Kinda like the crypt in Sandbox.
the same people who think all of their content should go on bungie favs will be like "omg waterfall. i can haz floating object easily nao so i will make a map there and be original"
Where is everyone getting these names to? I can't find a thread about the names w/ pics or anything like that.
A maps quality will not be lowered due to it being constructed in a popular location. The map will be judged by build quality, gameplay and originality. The lagoon may be popular but if 4/5 maps there are not great when a decent one comes along it will still get the cred it deserves, if 5/5 maps there are great they will all get their deserving cred
I tend to forge on odd places on forgeword, i gives me a chalange insted of an area built for a gametype
Thats odd, I don't have reach. But if you check the 'where will you forge first' thread, 'other' is in the lead, followed by the Island.
There is no such thing as "being overused". If your map would work better/look better in a certain place, then use it.
I can't say any area will over/under used. I think map is perfect for a certain area and the creator will put it there. I don't think that someone will design a map just so they can build at a certain spot. I have a awesome idea for a map and the water fall is a perfect place to make it.
But the thing is, hundreds of other kids have a perfect idea for a map, and the waterfall is a perfect place for them. I'm not saying they can't all be good, but it will start to get repetitive and boring.
I think the only thing that will get repetitive and boring is the map itself. If a bunch of people make a two sided map where it's just two bases in the canyon then that will get boring, but if someone makes a completely new and amazing map using the canyon i don't think anyone will be like "this map sucks because it's made in the canyon."
I have no idea which will be the most overused, because NO ONES PLAYED IT YET /rant sorry, I'm a little tired of all of these questions that can only be answered after Reach comes out and has been out. It could be the coliseum, coastline, island, lagoon, canyon, but we won't know til it comes out.