Call Of Duty :Black Ops MP Teaser Trailer

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by J4M NUTST3R, Aug 9, 2010.

  1. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    Listen, Theres only been 5 Halo Games (Halo Wars Not Included). 7 Years My Ass. Halo:CE (2001) Halo 2 (2004) Halo 3 (2007) Halo:ODST (2009) Halo:Reach (2010) That 5 Years if I not correct. 7th Year in a row is 7 consecutive games each year. (2001-2002-2003-2004-2005-2006-2007) There was a huge 2-3 Year Gap between each so techincally, Not 7 Years. How is it awful, Take a good F**king look at MW2 and MW1. Worst Call of Duty Storyline up to date. I can agree with COD 2. It was really fun and found that it had the best multiplayer in a COD Game. But lets face it. COD's hitting its Golden Years. The Next big thing is making a new storyline. But then why would you call it "Call of Duty". Halo had the same storyline but there fixing it, Unlike COD. When I get on MW2, I play Spec Ops and Campaign more than it Multiplayer. HALO>CODS. Theres more fans of Halo then Star Wars and Call of Duty. And thats alot. I know I sound like the biggest F**King ****** in the world but I hate having these conversations when people say Halo is retarded in all ways and COD's better because of Multiplayer. There multiplayer is dead. Its the same over and over and over again. Take a good look at MW1, MW2 and Black Ops. Notice something.

    #41 Devil95, Aug 16, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2010
  2. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    Cooooool story bro
  3. iRaynne

    iRaynne Ancient
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    MW2 doesn't necessarily suck. None of the call of duties do. That being said, there's plenty of bullshit moments in the franchise, but the dillusional grasp of the customization qualities in the game pull people like myself in.

    I'm dreading looking forward to this game, but I am nonetheless.
  4. Flameblad3

    Flameblad3 Ancient
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    This looks like MW2, but with different bs.
  5. LD

    LD Ancient
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    CoD games are developed by two seperate developers, so there is a 2 year gap too ...

  6. Mischgasm

    Mischgasm Ancient
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    Am I the only one who laughed as I watched this? This game is going to fail so freaking hard, oh wait, I forgot people buy it just because it's cod. Seriously though, Treyarch took mw2's graphics and brutally murdered them with an axe. Unless Treyarch pulls something awesome like **** Zombies out of its ass, this game is going to be ****.
  7. Scottash

    Scottash Ancient
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    CoD2 was an amazing game and set the bar for the franchise, which CoD3 unfortunately couldn't meet. Then Modern Warfare gave the franchise some life again by moving away from the same old WW2 scenarios, as probably the best Call of Duty to date. World at War came along and the campaign was alright, but overall it felt a bit "meh". Zombies got old quickly and the multiplayer was in a different league from CoD4's (in the bad way). MW2 was alright, the campaign was decent and special ops was a breath of fresh air; but in my opinion, the multiplayer was god awful. God only knows how much it could have been improved if IW actually bothered to do a Beta. I mean, it's got to be the most exploited multiplayer of all time: javelin glitch, prestige hacks, model 1887, "Witches", etc. Sure, they might have patched some of these up, but it still doesn't make me want to play again. This is all just my opinion though, and it's not cause I'm against CoD in any way. I loved bits of all the games (except maybe CoD3), but there aren't enough improvements between the games they release each year to merit me spending another £40 on them (this is discounting CoD4 which was a huge leap forward), so I probably won't be buying Black Ops.
    #47 Scottash, Aug 17, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2010
  8. Felipe dos

    Felipe dos Ancient
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    Call me blind but I was pretty derned impressed by the graphics.
  9. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    **** Zombies was leaked by Gamestop, then Best Buy Canada's website. The Hardened and Prestige editions come with remakes of the four WaW zombie maps, updated for Black Ops' engine and weapons. I would assume there would be at least one map on the regular edition. Also, Gamestop said it was a $15 value, my guess is we'll be seeing a map pack including these maps for DLC.


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