Alternate Forge worlds

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by CjayS42, Jul 26, 2010.


What would you like for an Alternate Forge world?

Poll closed Jul 26, 2011.
  1. Arctic land

  2. Large Beaches

  3. Desert

  4. Covenant city

  5. Human City

  1. Zee-V70

    Zee-V70 Ancient
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    Well yeah, but the main reason people are saying metropolis is that's the first word other than "city" that comes to mind when we've seen all of the more industrial, mostly Halo 2-era human maps such as Turf, Headlong, etc.
  2. eating lunch

    eating lunch Ancient

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    Everyone voting for a human city and wanting human stuff better stop and think about what we got the last time bungie went in that direction... Foundry.

    Ugly, dull, boring, hideous Foundry.

    Are you guys really sure you want bungie to attempt a human forge map again?

    Its just going to be foundry all over again. The same textures, colors, objects, and so on. Mark my words, if they go that way, it will be the same stuff, only with better graphics and more of it.

    I would like to see a new direction.

    We have had human in Foundry, desert in Sandbox, forerunner and green in Forge World, so I would like to see snow/ arctic, swamp, flood, or covenant.

    Something different...

    And you guys can forget about getting pieces of road. Bungie isn't going to ever give us road in forge because they know forgers would use road pieces so well that the maps would not feel like Halo anymore. Human forge worlds would be more like Foundry, Standoff, Rat's Nest, and Foundation.

    I like Foundation actually, but I would not be that excited over Foundation type asthetics for a forge world.

    I really suggest you be careful what you wish for. Seriously think about a human asthetically themed forge world and what Bungie would make it like. Think about the human maps in the past Halo games, aside from Headlong because that just isn't the typical type of human map in halo. Think Foundry, Standoff, Rat's Nest, and Foundation. Those are very typical for human maps in Halo in my opinion. I am certain that is what our next forge world would be like if bungie goes that way.

    I wouldn't be that excited for Covenant either because every single thing will be purple. It will all be the same color, like Sandbox is all tan. In Forge World there is a good color variation of greys, greens, blues, tans, blacks, clears, whites, and maybe some other colors. A Covenant forge world would all be purple and if we're lucky some black rarely, and maybe some gold glass.

    So personally, I would want something like an arctic forge world, a swamp forge world, or a flood forge world, although that could end up dull with mostly the same colors too knowing bungie. A rain forest would be interesting too... but oh wait, oh no, trees are faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar too difficult to put in forge, how could I forget that.
  3. bhartley63

    bhartley63 Ancient
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    i dont know if that has been mentioned, but how about item packs? thats what i wanted really badly for halo 3.
  4. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    Definitely Desert.

    By that, I mean like the ones seen in the level The Ark in Halo 3. None of that sand dunes bullshit.
  5. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    I read your post as *****-fest about Bungie. If Bungie decided to make a Forge map with a covenant theme, having a colour other than purple for the covenant would seem out of the ordinary.
    I'd definitely love to have a Covenant themed map. Covenant themed maps in Halo 3 weren't very "Forge friendly" and I've always been interested in the Covenant more than anything in Halo so It'd be a welcome change of setting to have.
  6. eating lunch

    eating lunch Ancient

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    Simmer down a bit lol.

    I said I would like a Covenant themed forge world too. I just said I wouldn't want everything to be purple. Sure purple would need to be common for it to have a Covenant look, but in order for it to be a good forge world it would need color variation. Personally, I think a forge world of High Charity would be great because it could offer asthetic variation from being mainly Covenant, but also offering a little flood asthetics as well. So there could be purple, black, and gold Covenant colors, and brown, tan, green, orange, and yellow flood colors.

    I didn't say a Covenant forge world should not be purple, I was just saying it shouldn't be entirely purple or almost entirely purple like Midship, Assembly, Damnation, and Snowbound. Halo 2 has some great campaign levels in Covenant ships with great looking Covenant asthetics because they are not entirely purple in some parts of the campaign. But I feel like Bungie has a tendency to overdo coloring everything hues of purple in Covenant multiplayer maps, but again as long as it would have variation in the colors, I would like a Covenant city forge world as much as you.

    And yes, I was complaining about Bungie's human multiplayer maps, because Bungie is not good at them, or at least not in Halo 3. Turf, Headlong, and maybe a few other maps were good human themed maps, but there are a lot of bad human maps that Bungie has made too from an asthetic point of view, such as Foundry, Foundation, Rat's Nest, and Standoff. I love Foundation and played it all the time, but the asthetics are not very good on Foundation. I like the color, but thats really mostly all it has going for it, and it has that same color everywhere.

    If we got lucky and Bungie made a forge world like Headlong, that would be good, I would like that just fine, although I would personally prefer a Covenant city myself. But I don't think Headlong and Turf are the maps people should think about when thinking about a human forge world because those are Halo 2 generation maps while Foundry, Standoff, and Rat's Nest are Halo 3 generation maps, so thats probably closer to what we would get.

    I like the old Bungie maps from Halo CE the best anyway. They have been away from my favorite kind of maps for quite awhile now anyway. Although luckily Reach seems to be going back towards that style somewhat with big invasion maps and Hemmorhage. So I couldn't be more satisfied with what Bungie has made with Forge World, unless maybe instead of grass there was snow and instead of nice sunny weather it was snowing. I would like those things switched, but I would want grass next anyway so Forge World is only a step away from being exactly what I want anyway.

    So if you want solid purple Covenant cities or ships, I say more power to you lol. I'm all for you getting a forge world that is close to being exactly what you want asthetically too.
  7. Moxus

    Moxus Ancient
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    I find the Covenant aesthetic is a spectacular design scheme, but has gone untapped throughout previous Halo games. That in mind, I'd love a Covenant-themed Forge map.

  8. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    Human City basically so I/anyone can make actual city's and town and suburban area's. More realistic area's.(I know fighting aliens but its like fighting aliens in realistic area's)
  9. TheGreatHibiki

    TheGreatHibiki Ancient
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    I would like any city (even though I picked the snow world.) especcially with the ability to build it from the gound up. However I suggest possibly instead of just a different envioment to allow snow and the like perhaps the ability to put orbs with filters (like color blind and the like) that allowed it to snow/rain/night/sunset/ect. that would allow work with pre-exsisting maps easier and variants that allowed a better effect per gametype.
  10. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I just want a huge city to play infection in, thats all, i dont even care if its just a port of headlong... in fact that would be awesome.
  11. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    What about on a moon or something? Space-like scenery?
  12. Sgt Surchin

    Senior Member

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    what about inside of a giant cube. or maybe a flat area on a mountain, including the mountain peak. in fact anything involving one big mountain, i guess that would fall under arctic lands.
  13. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    And as much as I'd like a covenant themed Forge map it would be difficult to forge anything that looked good considering most of their structures are spherical with odd shapes and deviations.

    It would be cool if it were pulled off well but I mostly see irregularly built buildings that in the end barely look covenant at all aside from the color scheme.

    At least with the Forunner scheme in Forge World we're already used to seeing oddly shaped structures jutting out of cliff-sides with surrealistic architecture.

    My vote goes for a city canvas though.
  14. iTz Kneecap eH

    iTz Kneecap eH Ancient
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    Well for me, it really all depends on what the level would actually look like, but I would have to go with Human City.
    Maybe if Bungie makes a DLC like that they'll show the community some rough-cut pictures of a bunch of possible maps, people could vote, then they could release the one with the most votes in a DLC. I think that would be pretty cool. Just a possibility.
  15. St. Burke

    St. Burke Ancient
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    Yeah they said it was completely possible to make whole new forge worlds for DLC. I also think that human city would be best as far as new scenery goes. But im afraid the objects would be too "foundry". As far as new and unique objects go, i think that covenant based area would be best now that most of the other object types have been done.
  16. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    If you think about it though, Foundry was intended to be a warehouse.
    Not a human city.
    Containers are what you find in a warehouse, not a city.

    If there were to be a City themed Forge World I see the object palette resembling more of a Headlong look.

    And Headlong was beautiful.
    Just think about being able to build downtown settings that burst with life.
    How great lighting effects would go with such a setting.
    ooh I love just thinking about it.
    It's Civilization on a whole new more realistic level.

    On a side note...
    am I the only one who has to spell out 'beautiful' like Bruce Almighty anytime I go to type it?
  17. St. Burke

    St. Burke Ancient
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    Wow, you are so.... not alone on that one. :)
  18. SilverWolf

    SilverWolf Ancient
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    I think there is a lack of forgeable covenant things, So I'm going covenant city on this one.

    No. Not at all. B-E-A-U-TIFUL
    #58 SilverWolf, Aug 17, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2010
  19. Benji

    Benji Ancient
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    . wat

    Also, I still don't see how a city Forge World would work. The entire point of Forge World is that it is empty. A city can't be empty.
  20. frog on stilts

    frog on stilts Ancient
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    Arctic Land all the way. I'm tired of human constructions that are all black, gray, brown and white. Forge World was intentionally made to be refreshingly colorful, with its blue sky and green foliage. It needs to be something refreshing enough to stare at it for months on end. The most refreshing of the options seems to be "arctic landscape".

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