By: JPeloquin218 with assistance from Commander GX Divine is a small, Symmetrical Map built in the Sky Bubble of Sandbox. The basic design of the map and inspiration was from Epitaph, Guardian, and a little bit of originality of mine added in. The map supports 2-8 people. It plays with every gametype except Infection game varients. Weapons on Map - BR x4, 2 spare clips, 30 sec - AR x4, 2 spare clips, 30 sec - Carbine x2, 2 spare clips, 30 sec - Sword, 90 sec - Plasma Rifle, 30 sec - Spiker, 2 spare clips, 30 sec - Sniper x2, no spare clips, 150 sec Grenades on Map - Frag Grenades x4, 10 sec - Stickies x4, 10 sec Equipment - Powerdrain, 60 sec - Regenerator, 60 sec YouTube - Halo 3 Forged Map - Divine
First! I remember looking at this map. The map is amazing, my favorite aspect is the middle. Although it is slightly small and only include 2-4 main paths it still is great and definately deserves a mention somewhere.
i have been looking forward to this map since the preview, and really, it looks even better than i expected. while the star in the middle makes a nice effect, my personal favorite thing about the map is the pure originality of the design. i really dont see many mistakes, if any, in this map. the only thing i dont like is the fact that the map is a little small, but i guess that cannot be fixed. i will have to give this a 9.5/10. (^_^)=b
This looks fantastic! One thing you may consider is to delete the wedge corners 2 and 3 on top of the first one. They look kind of out of place. You could use those pieces/budget to put in more railing around the obelisks in the ground. There is rather a lot of open sides for my liking.
It looks very clean and good but I dont enjoy it as much. I feel the Sniper and Plasma Rifle is to overpowered because the map is only 2 base with a nicely touched circle in the middle. The map should have more around the bases. Under the bases was fine. All the other weapon placements were good. Good Job.
a plasma rifle can definitely be a beast close range weapon. The thing i dont like about this is it is too small. Doubles would be the only option but still the two walkways have little cover. essentially u can see all of the blue side from anywhere on the blue side. same for red. Original centerpiece though. 6/10.
Pretty good! Nice and smooth with your creativity written all over it. Before I clicked on this thread I thought it was going to be bigger. Anyway Great job.
Another great map! The merging is smooth and the aesthetics are nice. I love the middle part with the sword the most. The bases look like they need more cover and maybe some railings on the walkways. Maybe also have more BR's or less AR's otherwise the map will become CQC only. Great map JP.
I accualty thought having an even amount of Ar's and BR's would be fine. There are 4 AR's and 4 Br's on the map.
[highlight]Divine Review[/highlight] [highlight]Enjoyment:[/highlight] Divine, another symmetric map levitating above Sandbox's dunes with a fairly basic design and layout. While this map is nowhere near the bottom of the barrel of creations, it also doesn't shine through the fog that is the competitive map forum of ForgeHub. Simply put, Divine does not leave the players wanting more. While there were a few gameplay complaints to be had, the general consensus was that we weren't playing the map for desire; we were playing because it was loaded. One of the most notable complaints is the about the sheer number of suicides to be had, the various holes and blind spots cripple the map in a "Rage-Quit" educing manner. While this is only a minuscule portion of gameplay, it's enough to frustrate players enough to request an early game end. [highlight]Balance:[/highlight] As previously mentioned, Divine is symmetric. Any imbalanced aspects come about from the players, which the map creator obviously does not hold any accountability for. One insanely minor detail that breaks the symmetry is the placement of the Regenerator and Power Drain, one of each being placed at a single base. While this is not a large detriment in anyway, it is notable that each team has a different opportunity. Being that the map is as small as it is; players seemed to use all portions of it equally. That being said, no areas seemed to be regularly avoided, each place had a purpose. Cutting through the center of the map is a bit shorter (Maybe a single second), but a bit more dangerous, while going around is the complete opposite. There are only a few areas of the map's geometry itself that need some addressing, which will be detailed a bit later on within this review. [highlight]Durability[/highlight]: Durability in a sense of achieving a location on a map that by design, is not meant to be readily available, Divine is flawless. Unless a completely ridiculous series of jumps is done, players stay within the actual boundaries of the map. Unfortunately, there are other aspects of durability. Railings are almost always a beneficial feature to implement into a map, but when do they actually impair gameplay? Blind spots caused by railings were the number one reason for suicides on Divine, most notably one of the exterior walkways perpendicular from either base. While on the move, players can see that there is another walkway beyond the railing, but what they cannot see is that immediately before said walkway, is a gap that a jump of normal proportions is unable to clear. Players are substantially less likely to fall off while walking forward than they are backward. Generally rails are only needed on the exterior of walkways, that being said, railings are usually only needed in a location that players are going to be strafing and backing up frequently. Placing rails in an area that players should primarily be walking forward in cause's blind spots, comparably however, this only applies when there are areas beyond the railing. (Obviously if players are in an area that is meant to have forward motion, but no reason to go beyond the railing is present, then no problems arise.) Under most circumstances players are more likely to see combat while looking across the map, rather than away from it. [highlight]Aesthetics[/highlight] One very noticeable aesthetic touch of Divine is the cleverly constructed piece of arch eye-candy gracing the center. And while it is a wonderful example of what can be accomplished with dirt blocks, it makes the rest of the map feel sub-par. No continual theme makes itself apparent, some vertical walls and wedge structures are apparent, but the area beyond the center of the map just seems lackluster. While the rest of the map isn't poorly constructed, (everything is nicely interlocked) it just doesn't seem to have as much thought about aesthetics put forward. [highlight]Originality:[/highlight] Originality may be one of the most difficult things to achieve at this point in Halo 3's lifespan, however, it is not impossible to achieve. The only truly original piece of the map is the center aesthetic piece. I don't see any need to deduct points for originality off being that Halo: Reach is a mere four days away. [highlight]Summary[/highlight] While Divine has some flaws, it is very capable of becoming a map that plays well, whether or not you attempt to mend some of the issues or not, you should be aware of that. With every creation there is room for improvement, and while you may be hurt or offended with some of the ratings, take it in stride and apply it to your future. Enjoyment: Balance: Durability: Aesthetics: Originality: Overall: [highlight]Understanding the Review Hub's Ratings[/highlight]