P.o.T.-Finale: Centerpiece

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Organite, Aug 16, 2010.

  1. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    The Series: 1.)The Floor | 2.)Relevance | 3.)[thread=97737]ABNEGATION[/thread] | 4.)Debacle | 5.)[thread=100866]Insipid[/thread] | 6.)[thread=103323]Centerpiece[/thread]


    With Halo: Reach right around the corner and a fair amount of the community already abandoning Halo 3 in preparation it seemed rather trivial to post the finale of Policy of Truth. However, since all of the other P.o.T. maps have been on Sandbox and I have called it my Sandbox series all along it seemed a little wrong to wait until it could grace itself upon Forge World. A lot of work went into making Centerpiece and perfecting it into a great infection experience, and I believe I have done so.

    Do not be decieved by the video I have presented for you in this thread. This is one of the toughest holdout Infection maps you will ever play. With only 4 people it can still be a challenge to survive. Quite honestly, the guy who was zombie was awful, and I needed a video demonstrating the map and its mechanics as shall be explained.

    I know some people have been waiting for it, and I know I'm ready to be done with it so I can release my last Halo 3 map.

    So here it is, the Policy of Truth finale chapter:




    Last Day, Last Entry:

    As the reader of this will see I have dedicated this entry as being the last. I am leaving this journal behind in the hopes that someone, whether I survive or not, will find it and know my story.

    We all made it to the edge of the city to an interesting and eerily peaceful building. I'm sure that won't last for long however.
    The building is boarded up and I know we'll need to get inside at some point, but ever since we made contact with a rogue chopper we've spent our down time trying to figure out what needs to go with us and what needs to stay.

    Unfortunately this journal didn't make the needs to stay list.

    In fact the only things that did make it on the stay with us list was guns. A whole lot of guns. That doesn't really make sense to me since we'll be out of this city soon enough and hopefully away from the infection as well, but I'm also the only guy here who doesn't look like a cerial rapist of former prison inmates. These people really do scare me, but they've done a damn good job of surviving and that's what I need.

    The biggest problem I've come to face is that most standard issue choppers only fit three. There are more of us than that.

    On top of that, I'm sure the army is going to use everything in its immediate power to make sure we don't survive.

    It's not looking good for any of us and much less myself, but I will do everything I can to make sure that these brave souls make it and hopefully myself in the meantime.

    Somenone has to know what treachery this establishment has committed.

    Someone must know the truth...

    Good evening...

    It has come to our attention that you plan to leave this city.
    No doubt it is to alert the general public of what the Big Bad Government has done to your pathetic little town.

    Unfortunately for you, everything that has happened as a result of this little 'incident' has worked for us, your benevolent government, so well that we can't let you live.

    We have rerouted all streets and pipelines and sewer systems to maximize zombie flow to your exact position. You will certainly be having the time of your life shortly.

    Oh, and in case you never figured it out, those power orbs that we said were for you a long time ago that just got 'accidentally' placed in positions where zombies could easily get them were never intended for you.

    We're not stupid.

    But we did put a few more around so that if any zombie does wander into one he'll be able to cook you up nicely before he devours your flesh and bone.

    Should you give into to our demands, you only have to worry about simply being eaten. Look at it this way, with this route you will still be able to be 'living', but with the title of 'dead' added to the end of that.

    Oh and one more thing, should you find a way to leave, there are jets on standby to make sure the building your in goes up in flames and any flight is a quick trip to hell.

    We hope you understand. Even if you don't though...
    oh well, it's not our problem anymore.

    Just do this planet a favor and DIE!

    a pic may be worth 1000 words, but a video...
    Big Brother is watching




    That is it.
    I feel the video does a good job of laying the groundwork of where to go and what to do in this.
    Again, this video is rather decieving. Playing with anyone good, or with more than 6 people will make it very difficult to survive.
    I hope you enjoy playing this as much as I enjoyed making it.

    I'd like to give thanks to anyone who partaked in the making of the P.o.T. series.
    Particularly Mr Grub2, Clearith, Lil Devil, Twilight Uchiha, XxMrFatCakesxX, and anyone else who helped in testing and ideas.

    I'm looking forward to Reach and its immaculate Forging abilities, and I am also looking forward to releasing my Halo 3 swan song, Touch of red.

    Thanks everybody.
    Thanks Bungie.
    Thanks FH.

    Updated Video. Pretty much explains everything now
    #1 Organite, Aug 16, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2010
  2. Itz Grub

    Itz Grub Forerunner

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    Exellent story + exellent map = One hell of an Infection Series. You my friend have made one of the best linear infection maps I have seen in a long time (I am NOT bluffing when I say that!) Helps On The Way,Rights days are over. I am truly glad I was able to meet up with you, give you ideas, and help with the testing. Honostly, Halo 3 was getting boring... until I met you bro. Congrats and Ill see you in the fall. :3 -Grub
  3. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    P.o.T > Zombie Horde. Tons of fun. I loved how this series managed. I didn't understand it at first but after a look and a conversation, I understood how this was planned out. This is classic infection at its finest. Very well done. 4.5/5 Good Show!
  4. Cheeze

    Cheeze <FONT COLOR="#FE2EC8"><b>I Beat the Staff!</b></FO
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    @ Grub: He didn't make "Helps on the way, Right" that was made by "Chrstbrphhererhs" (Guess) and shadow viper i think..I know Chrst is one of them.

    Now for this map, I haven't downloaded it, but it looks like once you get to the hornet, You could spawn kill the zombie(s).
    #4 Cheeze, Aug 17, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2010
  5. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    He never said I made Manifest.

    He was just saying that my series was a fresh take on an outdated (but still amazing) game.

    nice attempt on crst's name btw.

    Also at the exact same time you get your Hornet is when 2 Super Zombehz with Banshees spawn.

    Spawn killing will not happen since the Hornet will not survive!
    Muha ha ha!
  6. RittSea

    RittSea Ancient
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    I didn't really get the answer from the post, but how long do you have to survive in the hornet to win the round?
  7. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    The round last 4 minutes and the Hornet spawns at 3 minutes.

    4 - 3 = 1

    1 minute to survive with the Hornet.

    With 2 Banshees and another Flamethrower zombie...
    you will not survive.
  8. Vantier Raleigh

    Vantier Raleigh Forerunner
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    looks really sweet! if people like it during the next custom game then ill be sure to check out the other maps to.

    Just played it and it was pretty good.
    It was actually difficult for the humans to survive which is the best part. although it did have some little idiots complaining "were is the armory at the end!!!!!!! why arent the zombies 1 shot OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    PS. thank you for putting that song in that video.
    I heard it like 3 years ago i think and could only vaguely remember how it went so when i tried to describe it to people they didnt know what i was talking about.
    But for some reason as soon as i heard it i remembered the name i think.
    isn't the name of the song or band placebo?
    #8 Vantier Raleigh, Aug 17, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2010
  9. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    Then my mission has been accomplished.

    My goal in designing this holdout was that the odds be heavily stacked against the humans while not making it impossible for the humans to survive.

    The zombies have the resources to take out the humans easily and if the zombies know anything about attack coordination then only a very skilled human player will survive.

    Frankly, the reason it seemed so easy in the video is because the guy who was a zombie was just that awful.
    But that was also the only round in that game where anyone made it to the Hornet.

    Rest assured you will probably die.

    Then again you'll probably try to prove me wrong now will you?

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