Hey anyone who cares to read this, My name is Matt and My GT is Drummerboi 420, which will be changing when reach comes out, I found this site by watching some you tube videos and ever since I cant get enough Forgehub. My only problem is I was hoping to find a forge partner for Reach but I've been a bit stonewalled on becoming part of the FH community. Ok Ok I get it, I'm the new guy and no one likes the new guy. But ill tell you what the new guys a cool guy so if any one wants to Mssge me on FH or XBL Drummerboi420 if Im not on that one I'm on xXSn0wK1ngXx. Thanks. Matt A.
It's not that no one likes he new guy, it's that your behavior labels you. Most new people don't have knowledge of the rules and therefore spam and just be idiots overall. Anyways, welcome to FH.
Follow the rules and you may be called a memeber of 4chub. juus keedin, just follow the rules and you might be respected. Welcome to FH, Im jooFro
You should change your gamertag, you're giving off the wrong persona. By reading your name I already assumed you're male, that's a given if you're on a gaming website. That you're a drummer, so you may be on the hyper side, suffering from ADHD perhaps. And the 420 is leading me to guess you like the substance called marijuana. But I won't judge you like that.. I hope you have a nice time here. If you have any question Private Message me or just be public about it and send a Vistor Message. I'm here for help.
Would having ADHD help my drumming, like drugs do for songwriting, or am I completely missing the point?