If you dont want to read go to the bottom... Also yes i know i spelled "spys" wrong. Intro: Hello Forgehub, My good Friend insignia and I created a gametype that is truly interesting. This gametype applies to stategy in which you must work as a team and plan everything out as you play. It's basically a mixture of the infamous Agents gametype and Medic with a Splinter Cell feel. I of all am surprised that this gametype was actually very good, personally i thought it would end up in failure but as I tested and played with different poeple I had some problems here and there but was fixed. Generally this gametype is very different from others due to one team is truly ****ing with the enemy. Anyways, the point of the gametype Spies is that its very unique and different from an average game. Whats different: Well the answer is simple. You don't fight that much, it's a stealth twist on regular Halo. The fighting is not as common, but the fun does last. One team is invisible and has to reach a go to point while the other has to defend while patroling the area and of course trying to kill the invisible team. Well, I guess I should explain how I got this idea. My friends and I were playing a metal gear solid game variant on Orbital. It truly sucked, no offense to my friend, but it was a really pointless game and it wasn't fun at all, so I recommended that he should make one team invisible and put way more cover. Unfortunely, him being arrogant didn't listen, so I decided I'd use the idea myself, and this is the result. Also, I can't forget Insignia for helping me make the gametype as fun as it is. Thanks Sig Now onto the story. You and a squad of spies are assigned on a top secret mission. The mission was to infiltrate the station called Alpha 9 (orbital) and hack into the security mainframe. "Seem's easy enough" Actually, the guards on the station are completely aware of your presence and are in patrol. Now your team of spies must get in and out of there as fast as possible. Further into the story: The team of spies find the escape pod in Alpha 9 and get out as fast as possible. Somehow your team luckily crashes back to earth and lives. They find out there at a certain location that tends to be important. They crashed at hangar 92, this is one of there crucial destination points. They find that the company that controls Alpha 9 controls this area two unfortunetly. The operatives notice vechicles when they landed. One replied "lets take the vechicles and get out of here." Little did they know the keys are placed on the other side of Hangar 92 so they must slip past the enemy get the keys and get out. The mission is to get the intel and get out. It's very simple, but the real mystery is why. The reason is that the company you're working for is trying to take over the world, and you are the key to letting them win.Surprising that the bad guys get a chance to win! Here's the list of weapons: The plasma pistol is the main weapon for the spies. It may seem weak but it can be useful from time to time. The pistol is vital to the guards success. You can shoot the spies at a long distance, and is useful against the V.I.P trying to escape. The shotgun is an exceptional weapon for the Guards. The most powerful weapon in there arsonal by far. It is used for close range combat, be sure to kill those sneaky spies. The deployable cover is a great defence to the V.I.P. It can help in assuring the V.I.P.'s escape in sticky situations. The radar jammer is the most useful piece of equipment for the spies, as it takes away the guards second pair of eyes. "A guard without radar is a dead guard." Flare is another piece of equipment to keep handy. It can be used blinding the guards when they have a visual on you. One word: FIRE!!!! List: Pincer: Hit the guards from both sides or you and a friend surround him and assassinate him. Flanking: Hit them from the left or right side. Decoy: Distract them lead them to your position then have another spy get behind him. Route: Throw flare or deployable cover easy way to escape unharmed. Decieved: Throw a radar jammer near the guards and whack them, but not kill them . It's a confusion tactic where they worry about where they are and not whats happening. Total Distraction: Fire plasma pistols to get the guards to follow you while V.I.P. slips by unnoticed. Flamed: Throw fire grenades for shits and giggles. Ok this is a simple and easy question. All you have to do is assassinate the guards. Be aware, however, that you only have one life, so at least spare a guard to get to those go to points. What do Spies maps consist of: If your interested in biulding a map for spies go ahead be my guest. How to generally forge your own map for the gametype=Make sure there is two or three pathways. After this transaction is made you must make sure there's intersections(orbital) between the paths so they can change course to make it tactical.Then you "MUST" put Cover and I mean lot's of cover but not to much that it clutters the whole area. Its crucial that you need cover to move past the guards frequently.Next improtant part of making one is you need a equipement cash. For example you need a custom powerup(instant Respawn) nere the spies spawn. So no guards can take it then make sure you have Radar jammers x1, Deployable covers x2, Flame grenades x8, and Flares x2. Last thing to make the game work in general is putting go to points. In gneral you need two go to points, one at the Guards base and back at yours so it's a get in then get out objective based game. Game Variant info: Score To Win: 10 Single V.I.P.: Enabled Next V.I.P.: Random Score settings: V.I.P. takedown: 2 Goal arrival: 5 Suicide: -5 V.I.P. settings: V.I.P. death ends round Goal areas: Enabled Goal movement: Move on arrival Goal movement: Sequential V.I.P. traits: Damage resistance: 10% No shields No recharge Damage modifier: 0% Plasma pistol 75% speed Gravity: 100% Normal sensors 150 meters Good Camo Visible to allies Forced Color: Black V.I.P. proximity Traits: 10 meters 90% damage resistance Mormal shields Shield recharge rate: 200% 0% damage 75% speed 100% Gravity Sensors: Normal 25 meters Active camo: None Visible to allies Forced color: Black V.I.P. team traits: 50% damage resistance Normal shields No recharge 0% Damage Plasma pistol Speed 90% Gravity 100% No radar Good Camo Forced Color: Black Custom powerup traits: Weapon pickup: Enabled Base player traits: 150% damage resistance No shields No recharge 75% damage modifier Shotgun Magnum Infinite ammo: Enabled Weapon pickup: Disabled Speed: 50% Gravity: 150% Normal sensors 10 meters Forced color: Zombie Active camo: None Other info: 1 life 4 rounds 6 mins Team changing: Allowed Alpha 9 Intro: It took a few months but i finally got the chance to post this map pack. Alpha 9 is the first map of the map pack that was created for spys. After months of fixing and testing I truly think its ready to shine even though Halo 3's end is near. Alpha 9 was created in the months of winter so it's old style forging when it took time so dont expect something amazing. The map consist a widespread of objects everywhere so the gametype can work in general. more cover even more cover cover Player Count: 6-8 Download Here Alpha 9 Supported Gametypes: Spys
First off love the game type, looks epic, I think one bomb might have worked better, but what ever. Now the map, I personal think it looks messy and unorganized, quite frankly just chaotic. I will have to try to get a good number of ppl and put this to the test though, once I do, if my opinion changes, I will edit or repost my opinion. Game: 7.9/10 Map: 6.6//10