Samsara has been released. And guess what? Sacra Torre is next but nobody has figured it out as of now. You better hurry up because time is running out!
Just please release it already. I already gave up, sorta, on the description. I really want to see it.
I couldn't tell you without revealing the code! Its all so intertwined that a single hint is enough to ruin it. And don't worry, you still have a bit of time before it gets released.
Its pretty hard, i tried swapping the letters to numbers by 1 is a 2 is b etc... then the opposite, that 1 was z and so on... just tried reversing the numbers then swapping for letters... not working... at least i didn't think it was seeing as if i unscrambled the first word it was god and i didn't think you would be using that as much as it looks like it would be showing up. i'm thinking about adding all the grouped numbers together and allocating letters to them after that... it probably isn't going to work and i'm probably over-thinking this. EDIT just tried that last method... ended up with gibberish
Bleh, I've got Sacre Torre figured out, I'm just too lazy to actually decode it. I'm fairly interested in the last one though.
sacre torre is Spoiler italian with messed up spaces, just fix the spaces and translate it i think... :lol: this last one is a doozy though. :frustrated:
If I am right about this, I may crack this thing in an hour. DeathYoYo: Spoiler 17711 = AND via the logic that successive numbers are summed, then multiplied by their set positions within the word? The number is then converted into a letter. Still, the final quote has me worried, as you may be saying in some incredibly devious way that DNA = AND... I'm actually going to put a bit of effort into this one, as it looks quite gratifying to solve.
Ive tried everything. Programs. Poly alphabetic. Mono alphabetic. All kinds of stuff. But you sir, are a genious ^^^^^
thats exactly what i was thinking i sent a message to yoyo but he never replied =[ damn u yoyo lol jk but the way i came up with dna=and isthat he said what if the code for life was backwards so i thought whats the code for life...DNA! lol and dna backwards is and! and then what you said about 17711 i believe is almost correct but there is a simplier way to do it that im coming up with right now, but sorry i cant hint that 1, i shall solve this lol...i hope =]
This could also have something to do with factors, as both 17711 and 46368 have surprisingly simply factors, but I'm still looking for factors for 377. I've also speculated on digit inversion based on either: Spoiler 12345 67890 or Spoiler 01234 56789 After doing the conversion, some arithmetic process would be followed to achieve the number translation of the cleartext. --- This is starting to practically feel like public-key crypto, ffs. I LOVE IT!
i believe that 377 = IN becuase well ill share my theory with every1 since idc who figures it out. succesive numbers are added so 377 would turn out to be 3 14 now if a number is alone you multiply it by its self such as 3 would be 9 and if its a double digit number then you leave it alone so 377 would turn out to be 9 14 and the 9th letter is I and the 14th number is N so you get IN, the same thing with 17711 if you use this theory 17711 becomes AND.
Your method is the same as mine, I quickly realized that factors would be too ambiguous. Literally, we are using the same method.
yup but now im just trying to come up with how to solve the numbers without succesive numbers for example 2584, im thinking it might have something to do with number inversions or number permutaions. what do you think?
There is more than one code that represents life. There is more than one set of instructions for EVERYTHING. And heads up, Sacra Torre is arriving soon at a ForgeHub near you. Also, Sacra Torre
To be quite honest, I think this is kind of silly. You only have one image up and no true descriptions, and two are already posted. Not much of a preview.