Killing Factory Former factory workers protest the shut down of the factory, but didn't protest loud enough because they were accidentally locked in. 45 hours into the lockdown... they turn on eachother. Now you finish the story. The first map I made that I still think is any good. This map is symmetrical. Supports all gametypes. Recommended players: 4 - 12 Weapons: 8x 16x 1x 2x 4x 4x 2x 4x 2x 2x 1x 1x 6x 2x Download Killing Factory
Wow. Even though there wasn't alot of interlocking, it seems like a good map. The splazer spawn is elevated, so that could be somewhat of a problem. I think if Bungie remade the default Foundry, it would bear a striking resemblance to this map.