Veritas v1 Created by xXmrmojorisinXx Supported Gametypes: Slayer, Team Slayer, CTF Map Description This is a small symmetrical map with two main bases and a highly contested central structure. There are two small bases on either side. This map is very simple, clean and competitive. It's meant for team shooting and encourages team work. Veritas, (which means truth) was created with mlg settings in mind. I wanted it to be perfectly balanced and fair. It's also great for AR starts and general slayer settings. You may want to forge in a few more weapons if you prefer the later. Weapons: 6 Battle Rifles, 2 Carbines, 2 Maulers, 1 sniper rifle and a Rocket Launcher. Power up: Active Camo _________________________________________________ Overview Top/Bottom Mid Side View Blue Base _________________________________________________ Feedback is appreciated. Download Veritas v1
Your images are messed up. Please host them on another site, not bungie. And don't link to your fileshare. At least you tried to embed them, but it won't work from bungie. Read more here:
Nice! It always surprises me when new member don't have pics then their maps turn out to be very good! I really like how this looks, great interlocking and adaptable layout. Q'ued.
Well, I do plan to download and play this map. However, one thing that kind of concerns me is the spawn point placement. Right now, from the screens, it seems, rather, predictable and stale, but that's only according to the screens. I do plan to play on this map before I formally suggest anything, so be prepared!
the interlocking in this map looks really smooth, although there doesnt seem to be much cover also, i cannot say how many times i have seen the word "veritas" in a map name but it is a lot
this map looks very nicely made, although i am unsure of how it looks like it will play. but i will try it out and give my review
This map was really nice, however, one thing I noticed was that every power weapon seemed right next to the other, meaning in one fell swoop, one could get invis, rockets, and sniper without trying too much. I think if you were to have maybe put rockets and invis where they are and just left out the sniper, the level would have been fine. I think it works really well for MLG gametypes, and it's definitly a good map.
Was this specifically set up for MLG? or do you just hate all the other weapons lol. The map is very, VERY smooth and you could easily play MLG on here. I too am seeing a lack of cover on this map (worse than onslaught). That is really my only compaint. I am still trying to get a game going, I want to see how that many power weapons plays out on this map. If it works like The Pit, that will be fine but otherwise, get rid of the sniper or both the maulers.
Hey thanks for the feedback everyone. haruki, I think you're right about the sniper rifle. I've been debating on removing it for awhile. So far it hasn't been a problemb but I can see how it could be. Also, the cover is definatly "subtle". But, there is more to hide behind than the photos show. I wanted it to be fast paced and fluid. I really love the shoot and strafe type maps.