Does anyone play any browser-based webs games (e.g. Ogame, Bitefight, Cyber Nations, etc.) ? Personally, I played Ogame for awhile, as well as Bitefight and NationStates Right now I'm starting AfterDoomsday which has just recently started. My favorite though would have to be UrbanDead just because it has ZOMG-bies.
I can't believe I'm saying this, but yeah, I play Ogame, have been since about November. I have 7 Battleships or something.
used to play runescape, Maplestory, flyff, guildwars, and Diablo. And then i got xbox live and said bye bye to those. X3
nemi, I was in uni 9, but I'm pretty sure account is dead at this point from inactivity. Eitherthat, or I'm rich
how about kingdom of loathing. yes i know, its kind of random.
... runescape is the only browser based game reaper... yeah same here except for flyff. cause i played diablo at reaper of bunny's house